Mapping from Old to New

For those wanting to convert inlists from the old (pre-11869) approach to the new one described here, the mapping is as follows:

Old setting

New settings

which_atm_option == 'simple_photosphere'

atm_option == 'T_tau'
atm_T_tau_relation == 'Eddington'
atm_T_tau_opacity = 'fixed'

which_atm_option == 'grey_and_kap'

atm_option == 'T_tau'
atm_T_tau_relation == 'Eddington'
atm_T_tau_opacity = 'iterated'

which_atm_option == 'Eddington_grey'

atm_option == 'T_tau'
atm_T_tau_relation == 'Eddington'
atm_T_tau_opacity = 'varying'

which_atm_option == 'XXXXXX_tables'

atm_option == 'table'
atm_table = 'XXXXXX'

which_atm_option == 'grey_irradiated'

atm_option == 'irradiated_grey'
atm_irradiated_opacity == 'fixed | varying'


If MESA is run using one of the old options, it will print out the appropriate mapping from the table above, and then halt execution.