Watching lots of numbers fly by in the terminal window can provide some idea of how a run is going, but it is much better (and much more fun) to have windows with plots that change at each step. PGstar is built on PGPLOT for creating plots using XWindows for on-screen plots and PNG for frames of movies to animate those plots.
Devote lots of time watching models evolve. It’s a fun way to learn!
If you’re using the MESA SDK, you should have everything you need to use PGSTAR. Otherwise, you need to have installed PGPLOT, XWindows, and a few libraries that they need. See the makefile_header_non_mesasdk in $MESA_DIR/utils for details. You’ll also find pgplot.tar.bz2 in $MESA_DIR/utils in case you need to install PGPLOT (thanks to Tim Pearson of CalTech for creating PGPLOT and giving us permission to distribute it with MESA).
Overview of PGSTAR
PGSTAR has an enormous number of features and controls. Here is a brief overview.
Profile Plots and History Plots
Profile plots show information about current model. You can display anything that can be included in a profile_columns.list. You are not limited to the items in your current profile_columns.list.
History plots show information specified by your current history_columns.list. If it is in your history_columns.list, you can show it in a history plot. The name for a history item must be the same as one of the column headings in your current LOGS/ - these are the same as the entries in the history_columns.list but with any spaces replaced by “_”. For example, “center h1” in history_columns.list changes to “center_h1” as a column heading in LOGS/, so you should use “center_h1” as the name in the plot.
Single Panel, Multiple Panel, and Grid Plots
Single panel plots contain one graph, optionally with a 2nd Y axis. Multiple panel plots have a stack of several graphs using the same X axis. Grid plots combine several other plots in a user-specified grid layout.
General Controls
You can change the width, aspect ratio, margins, text scale, title, and axis limits of any plot by editing your pgstar_controls inlist file. The file is reread at each timestep, so you can make changes while the evolution is running. For user-specified plots, you can also change any of the specs on-the-fly including what is plotted for the axes and the number of panels or grid layout. You can change the “win_flag” from .false. to .true. on-the-fly to create a new window. Changing the win_flag from .true. to .false. removes the window, but because of quirks of pgplot and/or Xwindows, it will pause and ask you to hit a return.
You can have the code pause at each step by setting pause = .true. It will pause every nth step if you set pause_interval = n.
You can slow it down by setting pgstar_sleep to the minimum number of seconds to allow between plot updates.
It will update the windows every nth step if you set pgstar_interval = n.
To save the plot as a png file, set the “file_flag” for the window to .true. You can specify a directory and prefix for the files, as well as the frequency of writing (every nth step) and the size of the plot for the file. You can even get files written when the star moves a given distance on the HR diagram!
To switch from black background to white change the white_on_black_flag. There are separate flags for windows and files.
The Inventory of Plots
single panel profile plots
TRho_Profile - current model in T-Rho plane
Summary_Profile - various profile properties
Summary_Burn - current model T, rho, eps burning, and eps neutrinos
Abundance - current model abundance profiles
Power - current model nuclear power profiles
Mixing - current model mixing diffusion coefficients
Dynamo - current model dynamo magnetic field info
Mode_Prop - asteroseimology mode propagation diagram
single panel history plots
Kipp - “Kippenhann” history of mixing, burning, and more
Summary_History - various history properties
TRho - history of central temperature vs. density
HR - history of log_L vs. log_Teff
logg_Teff - history of logg vs. Teff
logg_logT - history of logg vs. log_Teff
dPg_dnu - delta_Pg vs. delta_nu (for asteroseismology)
Keep in mind that if it isn’t in your current history list, then it won’t be available for plotting in PGSTAR history plots. For example, if your Kipp plots doesn’t show burning and mixing regions, then add them to your history_columns.list - e.g., add these:
mixing_regions 40
burning_regions 80
profile panel plots: Profile_Panels1 to Profile_Panels9
You select axes from anything allowed in a profile_columns.list. In addition, a panel can be any of these pre-defined plots: Abundance, Power, Mixing, Dynamo, Mode_prop, or Summary_Profile.
Profile_Panels1 - default has X = mass, panels = (logT,entropy) and (logRho,logP).
Profile_Panels2 - default has X = logP, panels = Abundance and Power.
Profile_Panels3 - default has X = logP, panels = Abundance, Power, and Mixing.
Profile_Panels4 - default has X = logP, panels = Abundance, Power, Mixing, and Dynamo.
Profile_Panels5 - default has X = logP, panels = Summary_Profile, Mode_prop, and Mixing.
history track plots: History_Track1 to History_Track9
Like TRho, HR, and other history plots, but you select the axes from items in your current history_columns.list.
History_Track1 - default shows log_L vs. log_center_T
history panel plots: History_Panels1 to History_Panels9
You select Y axes from the column heading in current LOGS/
History_Panels1 - default shows logT, logRho, log_L, log_Teff, mass, mdot
text summary plots: Text_Summary1 to Text_Summary9
Text_Summary1 - default gives info similar to standard terminal output
grids: Grid1 to Grid9
Grid1 - default TRho_Profile, HR, TRho, Text_Summary1
Grid2 - default TRho_Profile, Kipp
Grid3 - default TRho_Profile, Summary_Profile, Kipp
Grid4 - default TRho_Profile, Summary_Profile, HR, TRho, Kipp, Text_Summary1
Grid5 - default TRho_Profile, Summary_Profile, HR, TRho, Kipp
Grid6 - default Summary_Burn, Abundance, HR, TRho, Text_Summary1
Grid7 - default Abundance, TRho, Text_Summary1
Grid8 - default Summary_Burn, Abundance, HR, TRho, TRho_Profile, Text_Summary1
Grid9 - default Abundance, HR, TRho, TRho_Profile, Text_Summary1
Hands-on Tutorial
Do this tutorial while $MESA_DIR/star is running and pgstar_flag is set .true. so you can watch as the plots change as you edit and save your inlist.
I suggest using the test case 1M_pre_ms_to_wd. Go to the directory, $MESA_DIR/star/test_suite/1M_pre_ms_to_wd, and open “inlist_1.0” in your text editor. In the &star_job section, set pgstar_flag = .true. and check the &pgstar section to make sure it starts empty. Then do the usual ./mk and ./rn to start the test case.
First, open some plot windows and take a look at what’s available. Just edit your pgstar inlist to set the “win_flag” for the plot; the changes will take effect on the next step after you save the file; you don’t need to stop and restart the run to change the plots.
Start by opening the pre-defined profile plots. Copy-and-paste the following lines to your inlist, then do save. Take a quick look at each to familiarize yourself with the options.:
TRho_Profile_win_flag = .true.
Summary_Profile_win_flag = .true.
Abundance_win_flag = .true.
Power_win_flag = .true.
Mixing_win_flag = .true.
Dynamo_win_flag = .true.
Mode_Prop_win_flag = .true.
Next replace those lines by ones to open some of the history plots. Copy-and-paste these lines to replace the previous ones. Then do save. PGPLOT will ask you to hit return to close the windows that were previously open.:
Kipp_win_flag = .true.
TRho_win_flag = .true.
HR_win_flag = .true.
Summary_History_win_flag = .true.
After looking at those, check out some of the defaults for a few of the multi-panel plots. As before, cut-and-paste these lines and replace the previous ones.:
Profile_Panels1_win_flag = .true.
Profile_Panels2_win_flag = .true.
History_Track1_win_flag = .true.
History_Panels1_win_flag = .true.
Grid1_win_flag = .true.
Grid2_win_flag = .true.
When you’re finished admiring these beauties, delete the “win_flag” lines from your inlist, and we’ll take a look at how you can modify plots.
Let’s start by changing some of the Abundance plot controls; do the changes one at a time so you can see each change. And make sure the plot is visible when you do the save!:
Abundance_win_flag = .true.
Abundance_win_width = 6
Abundance_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2
Abundance_log_mass_frac_min = -4
Abundance_xaxis_name = 'logP'
Abundance_xmin = 12
You can change the set of lines on the Summary_Profile plot. There is a control for the number of lines, and name and legend strings for each line. Each value can be shown scaled or unscaled. The scaling is max to 1.0 and min to 0.0. Usually mass fractions are the only things shown unscaled. Here are some examples from the default settings. Note the use of the PGPLOT symbol for “omega”.:
Summary_Profile_win_flag = .true.
Summary_Profile_num_lines = 11 ! <= 16
Summary_Profile_name(1) = 'x' ! hydrogen mass fraction
Summary_Profile_legend(1) = 'X'
Summary_Profile_scaled_value(1) =.false.
Summary_Profile_name(2) = 'y' ! helium mass fraction
Summary_Profile_legend(2) = 'Y'
Summary_Profile_scaled_value(2) = .false.
Summary_Profile_name(3) = 'log_j_rot' ! specific angular momentum
Summary_Profile_legend(3) = 'log j rel'
Summary_Profile_name(4) = 'log_omega' ! angular velocity
Summary_Profile_legend(4) = 'log (0650) rel'
Open the Summary_Profile window, then make some changes. Note that you can remove a line just by setting the name to ‘’; you don’t have to renumber the other lines.:
Summary_Profile_num_lines = 12 ! <= 16
Summary_Profile_name(12) = 'zone'
Summary_Profile_name(3) = ''
Summary_Profile_name(4) = ''
You can change the set of lines on the Summary_History plot. There is a control for the number of lines, and name and legend strings for each line. Each value can be shown scaled or unscaled. The scaling is max to 1.0 and min to 0.0. Usually mass fractions are the only things shown unscaled. Here are some examples from the default settings. Note the use of PGPLOT text controls for the subscript “c” for center values.:
Summary_History_num_lines = 7 ! <= 16
Summary_History_name(1) = 'log_center_T'
Summary_History_legend(1) = 'log T\dc\u rel'
Summary_History_name(2) = 'log_center_Rho'
Summary_History_legend(2) = 'log Rho\dc\u rel'
Open the Summary_History window, then make some changes. Note that you can remove a line just by setting the name to ‘’; you don’t have to renumber the other lines.:
Summary_History_win_flag = .true.
Summary_History_num_lines = 9
Summary_History_name(8) = 'star_mass'
Summary_History_name(9) = 'log_abs_mdot'
Summary_History_name(6) = ''
Summary_History_name(7) = ''
Next, turn on the History_Track1 plot. Then change what it is plotting by editing the axis name and label. Here’s an example. After that, try plotting some other combinations; just pick axis names from the column headings in your current LOGS/
History_Track1_win_flag = .true.
History_Track1_xname = 'log_center_P'
History_Track1_xaxis_label = 'log P\dcenter'
History_Track1_title = 'L vs Center P'
Turn on Profile_Panels1 and History_Panels1; they are set up with defaults for the number of panels and axes. Change the defaults to show other things – for the profiles you can select anything that can be in a profile_columns.list; for the history you have to select one of the column headings in your current LOGS/
History_Panels1_win_flag = .true.
History_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(1) = 'log_center_P'
Profile_Panels1_win_flag = .true.
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_name = 'logP'
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Add another panel to the Profile plot.:
Profile_Panels1_num_panels = 3
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(3) = 'logtau'
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(3) = 'log_opacity'
Increase the y margins.:
Profile_Panels1_ymargin(1) = 0.2
Profile_Panels1_other_ymargin(1) = 0.2
Profile_Panels1_ymargin(2) = 0.2
Profile_Panels1_other_ymargin(2) = 0.2
Profile_Panels1_ymargin(3) = 0.2
Profile_Panels1_other_ymargin(3) = 0.2
Change the aspect ratio, reduce the width, and fix the left and right margins.:
Profile_Panels1_win_aspect_ratio = 1.0 ! aspect_ratio = height/width
Profile_Panels1_win_width = 6
Profile_Panels1_xleft = 0.18
Profile_Panels1_xright = 0.82
Pick some other axis names and change what is shown in the panels. You can use any name that is valid in a profile_columns.list; unlike the history case, you don’t have to limit yourself to the contents of your current list.
Next, take a look at the following default definition for Profile_Panels3.:
Profile_Panels3_xaxis_name = 'logP'
Profile_Panels3_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Profile_Panels3_num_panels = 3
Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(1) = 'Abundance'
Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(2) = 'Power'
Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(3) = 'Mixing'
Open the plot window and then change the number of panels and the contents. Revise the title and switch the xaxis to mass.:
Profile_Panels3_win_flag = .true.
Profile_Panels3_num_panels = 4
Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(4) = 'Dynamo'
Profile_Panels3_title = 'Abundance-Power-Mixing-Dynamo'
Profile_Panels3_xaxis_name = 'mass'
Profile_Panels3_xaxis_reversed = .false.
Now, edit the definition of the Grid1 plot. Replace the TRho_Profile plot by the Kipp plot and adjust the margins and text scale.:
Grid1_win_flag = .true.
Grid1_plot_name(1) = 'Kipp'
Grid1_plot_pad_left(1) = 0.03 ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(1) = 0.03 ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(1) = 0.12 ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(1) = 0.6 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this
Move the text summary up to just below the Kipp plot, and increase the number of rows to make the HR and TRho plots taller. This will temporarily mess us the spacing between the subplots, but we’ll fix that next.:
Grid1_num_rows = 9 ! divide plotting region into this many equal height rows
Grid1_plot_row(2) = 7 ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(2) = 3 ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_row(3) = 7 ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(3) = 3 ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_row(4) = 5 ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(4) = 2 ! plot spans this number of rows
After that, fix the padding between the plots and adjust the text sizes.:
Grid1_plot_pad_top(2) = 0.01 ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(2) = 0.1 ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_plot_pad_left(2) = 0.05 ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(2) = 0.1 ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(2) = 0.6 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this
Grid1_plot_pad_top(3) = 0.01 ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(3) = 0.1 ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_plot_pad_left(3) = 0.1 ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(3) = 0.05 ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(3) = 0.6 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this
Grid1_plot_pad_top(4) = 0.00 ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(4) = 0.05 ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Change the text summary to report ‘log_L_div_Ledd’ instead of ‘log_LH’.:
Text_Summary1_name(3,4) = 'log_L_div_Ledd'
Finally, take a quick look at the various multi-panel and grid defaults (listed above). You are not limited to those, but they might give you ideas for your own personalized plots. Here are some of my favorites – you might also find them useful.:
Grid8_win_flag = .true. ! Summary_Burn, Abundance, HR, TRho, TRho_Profile, Text_Summary1
Profile_Panels4_win_flag = .true. ! Abundance, Power, Mixing, and Dynamo
History_Panels1_win_flag = .true. ! logT, logRho, log_L, log_Teff, mass, mdot
If you don’t have rotation turned on, change from Profile_Panels4 to Profile_Panels3, or edit your controls for Profile_Panels4 to drop the last panel.:
Profile_Panels3_win_flag = .true. ! Abundance, Power, and Mixing
Profile_Panels4_num_panels = 3
Profile_Panels4_title = 'Abundance-Power-Mixing'
PGSTAR has a number of options to control its file output.
The default output format is PNG:
file_device = 'png'
file_extension = 'png'
but you can use PostScript output by setting:
file_device = 'vcps'
file_extension = 'ps'
You can change the foreground/background color of your plots between black/white and white/black:
! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
file_white_on_black_flag = .true.
and control the number of digits that appear in the filenames:
file_digits = 5 ! number of digits for model_number in filenames
In addition, each plot has controls for its own file output similar to the following ones for the TRho_Profile::
TRho_Profile_file_dir = 'png'
TRho_Profile_file_flag = .false.
TRho_Profile_file_prefix = 'trho_profile_'
TRho_Profile_file_interval = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,TRho_Profile_file_interval)==0
TRho_Profile_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
TRho_Profile_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window
A directory with the name given by the value of TRho_Profile_file_dir (in this case, the default value, which is “png”) must exist in the work directory in order for the files to be stored. Otherwise MESA will run, but fail to write the png files. Make sure to create such a directory first! (If you’re using PostScript output, you probably want to create a directory named “ps” and set TRho_Profile_file_dir=’ps’.)
Finally, there is an HR distance trigger for file output.:
! trigger file output by distance traveled on HR diagram
delta_HR_limit_for_file_output = -1 ! negative means no limit
! HR distance since last file output = sum of dHR
! where per step dHR = same definition as used for timestep limits
! dHR = sqrt((delta_HR_ds_L*dlgL)**2 + (delta_HR_ds_Teff*dlgTeff)**2)
! dlgL = log10(L/L_prev)
! dlgTeff = log10(Teff/Teff_prev)
There are a variety of tools available for combining png files in movies.