
It is often important to plot the input microphysics data. Some of the modules provide plotting infrastructure to simplify common visualization tasks.

eos plotter (eos/plotter)

These plotting programs and scripts aim to make it simple to plot EOS quantities.

To use them, first compile the eos plotter program:


The options that control what data is output by the program are documented in the file inlist_plotter. This inlist contains two namelists: the eos namelist that controls the MESA eos module and the plotter namelist that controls the plotter program (see source in src/eos_plotter.f90). Edit these namelists so that the plotter will output the desired quantities.

Then, run the plotter:


This will create an output data file eos_plotter.dat.

A python script that knows how to read this file and plot it using matplotlib is provided. You can invoke it via:


This will produce a plot file eos_plotter.png that you can then view. You may need to edit the python file to manually adjust various aspects of the plotting (e.g., colorbar limits).

kap plotter (kap/plotter)

These plotting programs and scripts aim to make it simple to plot opacities.

To use them, first compile the kap plotter program:


The options that control what data is output by the program are documented in the file inlist_plotter. This inlist contains two namelists: the kap namelist that controls the MESA kap module and the plotter namelist that controls the plotter program (see source in src/kap_plotter.f90). Edit these namelists so that the plotter will output the desired quantities.

Then, run the plotter:


This will create an output data file kap_plotter.dat.

A python script that knows how to read this file and plot it using matplotlib is provided. You can invoke it via:


This will produce a plot file kap_plotter.png that you can then view. You may need to edit the python file to manually adjust various aspects of the plotting (e.g., colorbar limits).

neu plotter (neu/plotter)

These plotting programs and scripts aim to make it simple to plot thermal neutrino energy loss rates.

To use them, first compile the neu plotter program:


The options that control what data is output by the program are documented in the file inlist_plotter. This inlist contains two namelists: the neu namelist that controls the MESA neu module and the plotter namelist that controls the plotter program (see source in src/neu_plotter.f90). Edit these namelists so that the plotter will output the desired quantities.

Then, run the plotter:


This will create an output data file neu_plotter.dat.

A python script that knows how to read this file and plot it using matplotlib is provided. You can invoke it via:


This will produce a plot file neu_plotter.png that you can then view. You may need to edit the python file to manually adjust various aspects of the plotting (e.g., colorbar limits).