
general options

window updates


update windows when mod(model_number,pgbinary_interval) == 0 note: this replaces the obsolete control pgbinary_cnt. better performance for binary with this > 1. make it as large as you can while still getting adequate plot updates. Does not alter the rate at which pgplots are saved to disk, use the *_file_interval options instead.

pgbinary_interval = 1


if true, then after refresh windows, wait for user to hit RETURN

pause = .false.


if > 0, then pause when mod(model_number, pause_interval) = 0.

pause_interval = -1


after refresh windows, sleep this long (in seconds; can be noninteger)

pgbinary_sleep = 0.0


clear_history = .false.
white_on_black flags

true means white foreground color on black background



file_white_on_black_flag = .true.
win_white_on_black_flag = .true.
file output



‘png’ is Portable Network Graphics format; can also use ‘pdf’

file_device = 'png'
file_extension = 'png'


number of digits for model_number in filenames

file_digits = 6
pgbinary_report_writing_files = .true.

for terminal output report when write plot file

title, age, and model number

placement details scale is for character size disp, coord, fjust are args for PGMTXT

  • DISP : the displacement of the character string from the specified edge of the viewport, measured outwards from the viewport in units of the character height. Use a negative value to write inside the viewport, a positive value to write outside.

  • COORD : the location of the character string along the specified edge of the viewport, as a fraction of the length of the edge.

  • FJUST : controls justification of the string parallel to the specified edge of the viewport. If FJUST = 0.0, the left-hand end of the string will be placed at COORD; if JUST = 0.5, the center of the string will be placed at COORD; if JUST = 1.0, the right-hand end of the string will be placed at at COORD.


pgbinary_show_model_number = .true.

only shown for full window, not for subplots

pgbinary_model_scale = 0.8
pgbinary_model_lw = 3
pgbinary_model_disp = 3.0
pgbinary_model_coord = 1.01
pgbinary_model_fjust = 1.0


pgbinary_show_age = .true.

if all of those are false, then picks units based on magnitude of age

pgbinary_show_age_in_seconds = .false.
pgbinary_show_age_in_minutes = .false.
pgbinary_show_age_in_hours = .false.
pgbinary_show_age_in_days = .false.
pgbinary_show_age_in_years = .false.
pgbinary_show_log_age_in_years = .false.

only shown for full window, not for subplots

pgbinary_age_scale = 0.8
pgbinary_age_lw = 3
pgbinary_age_disp = 3.0
pgbinary_age_coord = -0.04
pgbinary_age_fjust = 0.0

axes line weight

pgbinary_box_lw = 3


these apply to all plots except grids.

pgbinary_show_title = .true.
pgbinary_title_scale = 1.3
pgbinary_title_lw = 3
pgbinary_title_disp = 1.1
pgbinary_title_coord = 0.5
pgbinary_title_fjust = 0.5

grid titles

these apply to the top of the grid, not to the subplots within the grid.

pgbinary_grid_show_title = .true.
pgbinary_grid_title_scale = 1.2
pgbinary_grid_title_lw = 3
pgbinary_grid_title_disp = 1.8
pgbinary_grid_title_coord = 0.5
pgbinary_grid_title_fjust = 0.5

scale for axis labels

pgbinary_xaxis_label_scale = 1.5
pgbinary_left_yaxis_label_scale = 1.5
pgbinary_right_yaxis_label_scale = 1.5
pgbinary_xaxis_label_lw = 4
pgbinary_left_yaxis_label_lw = 4
pgbinary_right_yaxis_label_lw = 4

displacements for axis labels

pgbinary_xaxis_label_disp = 2.2
pgbinary_left_yaxis_label_disp = 3.1
pgbinary_right_yaxis_label_disp = 4.1

relative scale of axis numbers

pgbinary_num_scale = 1.2

line width for data

pgbinary_lw = 8

Summary History window

Summary_History_win_flag = .false.
Summary_History_win_width = 6
Summary_History_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
Summary_History_xleft = 0.15
Summary_History_xright = 0.85
Summary_History_ybot = 0.15
Summary_History_ytop = 0.85
Summary_History_txt_scale = 1.0
Summary_History_title = 'Summary_History'
Summary_History_xmax = -1
Summary_History_xmin = -1
Summary_History_max_width = -1
Summary_History_name(:) = ''

if name len=0, then skip this one

Summary_History_legend(:) = ''
Summary_History_scaled_value(:) = .true.

if true, show values scaled max to 1.0 and min to 0.0 if false, show the unmapped values (which should be in range 0.0 to 1.0) typically set .false. for mass fractions; .true. for everything else.

Summary_History_num_lines = 5
Summary_History_name(1) = 'period'
Summary_History_legend(1) = 'p'
Summary_History_name(2) = 'separation'
Summary_History_legend(2) = 'a'
Summary_History_name(3) = 'lg_mtransfer_rate'
Summary_History_legend(3) = 'log Mdot\dtrans\u'
Summary_History_name(4) = 'eccentricity'
Summary_History_legend(4) = 'e'
Summary_History_name(5) = 'angular_momentum_j'
Summary_History_legend(5) = 'j\dorb\u'

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

Summary_History_use_decorator = .false.

file output

Summary_History_file_flag = .false.
Summary_History_file_dir = 'png'
Summary_History_file_prefix = 'Summary_History_'
Summary_History_file_interval = 5
Summary_History_file_width = -1
Summary_History_file_aspect_ratio = -1

History Tracks


History_Track1_win_flag = .false.
History_Track1_win_width = 6
History_Track1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track1_xleft = 0.15
History_Track1_xright = 0.85
History_Track1_ybot = 0.15
History_Track1_ytop = 0.85
History_Track1_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track1_title = 'History_Track1'

set default

History_Track1_xname = 'log_center_T'
History_Track1_yname = 'log_L'
History_Track1_xaxis_label = 'log T\dcenter'
History_Track1_yaxis_label = 'log L/L\d\(2281)'
History_Track1_reverse_xaxis = .true.
History_Track1_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track1_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track1_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track1_xmin = -101d0
History_Track1_xmax = -101d0
History_Track1_ymin = -101d0
History_Track1_ymax = -101d0
History_Track1_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track1_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track1_dxmin = -1
History_Track1_dymin = -1
History_Track1_step_min = -1
History_Track1_step_max = -1
show_History_Track1_target_box = .false.
History_Track1_n_sigma = -3
History_Track1_xtarget = 0
History_Track1_xsigma = 0
History_Track1_ytarget = 0
History_Track1_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track1_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track1_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track1_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track1_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track1_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track1_file_flag = .false.
History_Track1_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track1_file_prefix = 'track1_'
History_Track1_file_interval = 5
History_Track1_file_width = -1
History_Track1_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track2_win_flag = .false.
History_Track2_win_width = 6
History_Track2_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track2_xleft = 0.15
History_Track2_xright = 0.85
History_Track2_ybot = 0.15
History_Track2_ytop = 0.85
History_Track2_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track2_title = 'History_Track2'
History_Track2_xname = ''
History_Track2_yname = ''
History_Track2_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track2_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track2_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track2_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track2_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track2_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track2_xmin = -101d0
History_Track2_xmax = -101d0
History_Track2_ymin = -101d0
History_Track2_ymax = -101d0
History_Track2_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track2_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track2_dxmin = -1
History_Track2_dymin = -1
History_Track2_step_min = -1
History_Track2_step_max = -1
show_History_Track2_target_box = .false.
History_Track2_n_sigma = -3
History_Track2_xtarget = 0
History_Track2_xsigma = 0
History_Track2_ytarget = 0
History_Track2_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track2_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track2_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track2_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track2_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track2_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track2_file_flag = .false.
History_Track2_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track2_file_prefix = 'track2_'
History_Track2_file_interval = 5
History_Track2_file_width = -1
History_Track2_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track3_win_flag = .false.
History_Track3_win_width = 6
History_Track3_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track3_xleft = 0.15
History_Track3_xright = 0.85
History_Track3_ybot = 0.15
History_Track3_ytop = 0.85
History_Track3_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track3_title = 'History_Track3'
History_Track3_xname = ''
History_Track3_yname = ''
History_Track3_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track3_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track3_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track3_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track3_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track3_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track3_xmin = -101d0
History_Track3_xmax = -101d0
History_Track3_ymin = -101d0
History_Track3_ymax = -101d0
History_Track3_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track3_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track3_dxmin = -1
History_Track3_dymin = -1
History_Track3_step_min = -1
History_Track3_step_max = -1
show_History_Track3_target_box = .false.
History_Track3_n_sigma = -3
History_Track3_xtarget = 0
History_Track3_xsigma = 0
History_Track3_ytarget = 0
History_Track3_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track3_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track3_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track3_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track3_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track3_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track3_file_flag = .false.
History_Track3_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track3_file_prefix = 'track3_'
History_Track3_file_interval = 5
History_Track3_file_width = -1
History_Track3_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track4_win_flag = .false.
History_Track4_win_width = 6
History_Track4_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track4_xleft = 0.15
History_Track4_xright = 0.85
History_Track4_ybot = 0.15
History_Track4_ytop = 0.85
History_Track4_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track4_title = 'History_Track4'
History_Track4_xname = ''
History_Track4_yname = ''
History_Track4_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track4_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track4_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track4_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track4_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track4_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track4_xmin = -101d0
History_Track4_xmax = -101d0
History_Track4_ymin = -101d0
History_Track4_ymax = -101d0
History_Track4_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track4_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track4_dxmin = -1
History_Track4_dymin = -1
History_Track4_step_min = -1
History_Track4_step_max = -1
show_History_Track4_target_box = .false.
History_Track4_n_sigma = -3
History_Track4_xtarget = 0
History_Track4_xsigma = 0
History_Track4_ytarget = 0
History_Track4_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track4_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track4_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track4_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track4_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track4_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track4_file_flag = .false.
History_Track4_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track4_file_prefix = 'track4_'
History_Track4_file_interval = 5
History_Track4_file_width = -1
History_Track4_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track5_win_flag = .false.
History_Track5_win_width = 6
History_Track5_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track5_xleft = 0.15
History_Track5_xright = 0.85
History_Track5_ybot = 0.15
History_Track5_ytop = 0.85
History_Track5_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track5_title = 'History_Track5'
History_Track5_xname = ''
History_Track5_yname = ''
History_Track5_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track5_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track5_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track5_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track5_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track5_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track5_xmin = -101d0
History_Track5_xmax = -101d0
History_Track5_ymin = -101d0
History_Track5_ymax = -101d0
History_Track5_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track5_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track5_dxmin = -1
History_Track5_dymin = -1
History_Track5_step_min = -1
History_Track5_step_max = -1
show_History_Track5_target_box = .false.
History_Track5_n_sigma = -3
History_Track5_xtarget = 0
History_Track5_xsigma = 0
History_Track5_ytarget = 0
History_Track5_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track5_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track5_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track5_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track5_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track5_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track5_file_flag = .false.
History_Track5_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track5_file_prefix = 'track5_'
History_Track5_file_interval = 5
History_Track5_file_width = -1
History_Track5_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track6_win_flag = .false.
History_Track6_win_width = 6
History_Track6_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track6_xleft = 0.15
History_Track6_xright = 0.85
History_Track6_ybot = 0.15
History_Track6_ytop = 0.85
History_Track6_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track6_title = 'History_Track6'
History_Track6_xname = ''
History_Track6_yname = ''
History_Track6_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track6_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track6_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track6_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track6_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track6_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track6_xmin = -101d0
History_Track6_xmax = -101d0
History_Track6_ymin = -101d0
History_Track6_ymax = -101d0
History_Track6_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track6_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track6_dxmin = -1
History_Track6_dymin = -1
History_Track6_step_min = -1
History_Track6_step_max = -1
show_History_Track6_target_box = .false.
History_Track6_n_sigma = -3
History_Track6_xtarget = 0
History_Track6_xsigma = 0
History_Track6_ytarget = 0
History_Track6_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track6_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track6_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track6_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track6_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track6_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track6_file_flag = .false.
History_Track6_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track6_file_prefix = 'track6_'
History_Track6_file_interval = 5
History_Track6_file_width = -1
History_Track6_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track7_win_flag = .false.
History_Track7_win_width = 6
History_Track7_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track7_xleft = 0.15
History_Track7_xright = 0.85
History_Track7_ybot = 0.15
History_Track7_ytop = 0.85
History_Track7_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track7_title = 'History_Track7'
History_Track7_xname = ''
History_Track7_yname = ''
History_Track7_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track7_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track7_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track7_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track7_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track7_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track7_xmin = -101d0
History_Track7_xmax = -101d0
History_Track7_ymin = -101d0
History_Track7_ymax = -101d0
History_Track7_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track7_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track7_dxmin = -1
History_Track7_dymin = -1
History_Track7_step_min = -1
History_Track7_step_max = -1
show_History_Track7_target_box = .false.
History_Track7_n_sigma = -3
History_Track7_xtarget = 0
History_Track7_xsigma = 0
History_Track7_ytarget = 0
History_Track7_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track7_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track7_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track7_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track7_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track7_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track7_file_flag = .false.
History_Track7_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track7_file_prefix = 'track7_'
History_Track7_file_interval = 5
History_Track7_file_width = -1
History_Track7_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track8_win_flag = .false.
History_Track8_win_width = 6
History_Track8_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track8_xleft = 0.15
History_Track8_xright = 0.85
History_Track8_ybot = 0.15
History_Track8_ytop = 0.85
History_Track8_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track8_title = 'History_Track8'
History_Track8_xname = ''
History_Track8_yname = ''
History_Track8_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track8_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track8_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track8_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track8_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track8_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track8_xmin = -101d0
History_Track8_xmax = -101d0
History_Track8_ymin = -101d0
History_Track8_ymax = -101d0
History_Track8_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track8_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track8_dxmin = -1
History_Track8_dymin = -1
History_Track8_step_min = -1
History_Track8_step_max = -1
show_History_Track8_target_box = .false.
History_Track8_n_sigma = -3
History_Track8_xtarget = 0
History_Track8_xsigma = 0
History_Track8_ytarget = 0
History_Track8_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track8_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track8_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track8_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track8_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track8_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track8_file_flag = .false.
History_Track8_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track8_file_prefix = 'track8_'
History_Track8_file_interval = 5
History_Track8_file_width = -1
History_Track8_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Track9_win_flag = .false.
History_Track9_win_width = 6
History_Track9_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Track9_xleft = 0.15
History_Track9_xright = 0.85
History_Track9_ybot = 0.15
History_Track9_ytop = 0.85
History_Track9_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Track9_title = 'History_Track9'
History_Track9_xname = ''
History_Track9_yname = ''
History_Track9_xaxis_label = ''
History_Track9_yaxis_label = ''
History_Track9_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track9_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track9_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track9_log_yaxis = .false.
History_Track9_xmin = -101d0
History_Track9_xmax = -101d0
History_Track9_ymin = -101d0
History_Track9_ymax = -101d0
History_Track9_xmargin = 0.1
History_Track9_ymargin = 0.1
History_Track9_dxmin = -1
History_Track9_dymin = -1
History_Track9_step_min = -1
History_Track9_step_max = -1
show_History_Track9_target_box = .false.
History_Track9_n_sigma = -3
History_Track9_xtarget = 0
History_Track9_xsigma = 0
History_Track9_ytarget = 0
History_Track9_ysigma = 0
show_History_Track9_annotation1 = .false.
show_History_Track9_annotation2 = .false.
show_History_Track9_annotation3 = .false.
History_Track9_fname = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Track9_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Track9_file_flag = .false.
History_Track9_file_dir = 'png'
History_Track9_file_prefix = 'track9_'
History_Track9_file_interval = 5
History_Track9_file_width = -1
History_Track9_file_aspect_ratio = -1

History Panels


History_Panels1_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels1_win_width = 6
History_Panels1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels1_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels1_xright = 0.85
History_Panels1_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels1_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels1_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels1_title = 'History_Panels1'
History_Panels1_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels1_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels1_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels1_max_width = 100
History_Panels1_dxmin = -1
History_Panels1_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels1_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels1_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels1_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels1_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels1_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels1_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels1_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels1_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels1_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels1_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels1_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels1_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels1_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels1_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels1_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels1_points_name(:) = ''

setup default

History_Panels1_num_panels = 1
History_Panels1_yaxis_name(1) = 'lg_mtransfer_rate'
History_Panels1_yaxis_reversed(1) = .false.
History_Panels1_ymin(1) = -101d0
History_Panels1_ymax(1) = -101d0
History_Panels1_dymin(1) = -1

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels1_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels1_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels1_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels1_file_prefix = 'History_Panels1_'
History_Panels1_file_interval = 5
History_Panels1_file_width = -1
History_Panels1_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels2_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels2_win_width = 6
History_Panels2_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels2_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels2_xright = 0.85
History_Panels2_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels2_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels2_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels2_title = 'History_Panels2'
History_Panels2_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels2_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels2_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels2_max_width = 100
History_Panels2_dxmin = -1
History_Panels2_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels2_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels2_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels2_num_panels = 0
History_Panels2_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels2_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels2_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels2_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels2_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels2_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels2_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels2_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels2_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels2_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels2_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels2_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels2_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels2_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels2_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels2_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels2_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels2_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels2_file_prefix = 'History_Panels2_'
History_Panels2_file_interval = 5
History_Panels2_file_width = -1
History_Panels2_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels3_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels3_win_width = 6
History_Panels3_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels3_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels3_xright = 0.85
History_Panels3_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels3_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels3_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels3_title = 'History_Panels3'
History_Panels3_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels3_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels3_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels3_max_width = 100
History_Panels3_dxmin = -1
History_Panels3_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels3_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels3_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels3_num_panels = 0
History_Panels3_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels3_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels3_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels3_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels3_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels3_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels3_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels3_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels3_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels3_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels3_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels3_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels3_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels3_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels3_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels3_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels3_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels3_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels3_file_prefix = 'History_Panels3_'
History_Panels3_file_interval = 5
History_Panels3_file_width = -1
History_Panels3_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels4_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels4_win_width = 6
History_Panels4_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels4_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels4_xright = 0.85
History_Panels4_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels4_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels4_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels4_title = 'History_Panels4'
History_Panels4_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels4_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels4_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels4_max_width = 100
History_Panels4_dxmin = -1
History_Panels4_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels4_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels4_num_panels = 0
History_Panels4_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels4_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels4_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels4_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels4_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels4_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels4_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels4_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels4_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels4_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels4_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels4_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels4_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels4_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels4_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels4_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels4_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels4_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels4_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels4_file_prefix = 'History_Panels4_'
History_Panels4_file_interval = 5
History_Panels4_file_width = -1
History_Panels4_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels5_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels5_win_width = 6
History_Panels5_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels5_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels5_xright = 0.85
History_Panels5_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels5_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels5_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels5_title = 'History_Panels5'
History_Panels5_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels5_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels5_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels5_max_width = 100
History_Panels5_dxmin = -1
History_Panels5_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels5_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels5_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels5_num_panels = 0
History_Panels5_yaxis_name(1) = 'num_zones'
History_Panels5_yaxis_reversed(1) = .false.
History_Panels5_ymin(1) = -101d0
History_Panels5_ymax(1) = -101d0
History_Panels5_dymin(1) = -1
History_Panels5_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels5_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels5_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels5_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels5_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels5_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels5_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels5_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels5_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels6_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels5_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels5_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels5_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels5_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels5_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels5_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels5_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels5_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels5_file_prefix = 'History_Panels5_'
History_Panels5_file_interval = 5
History_Panels5_file_width = -1
History_Panels5_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels6_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels6_win_width = 6
History_Panels6_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels6_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels6_xright = 0.85
History_Panels6_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels6_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels6_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels6_title = 'History_Panels6'
History_Panels6_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels6_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels6_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels6_max_width = 100
History_Panels6_dxmin = -1
History_Panels6_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels6_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels6_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels6_num_panels = 0
History_Panels6_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels6_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels6_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels6_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels6_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels6_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels6_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels6_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels6_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels6_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels6_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels6_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels6_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels6_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels6_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels6_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels6_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels6_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels6_file_prefix = 'History_Panels6_'
History_Panels6_file_interval = 5
History_Panels6_file_width = -1
History_Panels6_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels7_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels7_win_width = 6
History_Panels7_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels7_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels7_xright = 0.85
History_Panels7_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels7_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels7_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels7_title = 'History_Panels7'
History_Panels7_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels7_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels7_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels7_max_width = 100
History_Panels7_dxmin = -1
History_Panels7_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels7_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels7_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels7_num_panels = 0
History_Panels7_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels7_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels7_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels7_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels7_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels7_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels7_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels7_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels7_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels7_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels7_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels7_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels7_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels7_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels7_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels7_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels7_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels7_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels7_file_prefix = 'History_Panels7_'
History_Panels7_file_interval = 5
History_Panels7_file_width = -1
History_Panels7_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels8_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels8_win_width = 6
History_Panels8_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels8_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels8_xright = 0.85
History_Panels8_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels8_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels8_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels8_title = 'History_Panels8'
History_Panels8_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels8_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels8_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels8_max_width = 100
History_Panels8_dxmin = -1
History_Panels8_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels8_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels8_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels8_num_panels = 0
History_Panels8_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels8_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels8_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels8_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels8_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels8_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels8_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels8_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels8_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels8_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels8_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels8_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels8_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels8_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels8_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels8_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels8_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels8_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels8_file_prefix = 'History_Panels8_'
History_Panels8_file_interval = 5
History_Panels8_file_width = -1
History_Panels8_file_aspect_ratio = -1


History_Panels9_win_flag = .false.
History_Panels9_win_width = 6
History_Panels9_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
History_Panels9_xleft = 0.15
History_Panels9_xright = 0.85
History_Panels9_ybot = 0.15
History_Panels9_ytop = 0.85
History_Panels9_txt_scale = 1.0
History_Panels9_title = 'History_Panels9'
History_Panels9_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
History_Panels9_xmin = -101d0
History_Panels9_xmax = -101d0
History_Panels9_max_width = 100
History_Panels9_dxmin = -1
History_Panels9_xaxis_reversed = .false.
History_Panels9_xaxis_log = .false.
History_Panels9_xmargin = 0.0
History_Panels9_num_panels = 0
History_Panels9_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels9_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels9_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels9_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels9_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels9_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels9_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels9_other_yaxis_name(:) = ''
History_Panels9_other_yaxis_reversed(:) = .false.
History_Panels9_other_yaxis_log(:) = .false.
History_Panels9_other_ymin(:) = -101d0
History_Panels9_other_ymax(:) = -101d0
History_Panels9_other_ymargin(:) = 0.1
History_Panels9_other_dymin(:) = -1
History_Panels9_points_name(:) = ''

Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot see $MESA_DIR/binary/other/pgbinary_decorator.f90

History_Panels9_use_decorator = .false.

file output

History_Panels9_file_flag = .false.
History_Panels9_file_dir = 'png'
History_Panels9_file_prefix = 'History_Panels9_'
History_Panels9_file_interval = 5
History_Panels9_file_width = -1
History_Panels9_file_aspect_ratio = -1







History_Panel_points_error_bars = .true.
History_Panel_points_interval = 1
History_Panel_points_marker = 5
History_Panel_points_ci = 1
History_Panel_points_lw = 1
History_Panel_points_ch = 1.0

Text Summary


Text_Summary1_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary1_win_width = 10
Text_Summary1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.15
Text_Summary1_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary1_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary1_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary1_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary1_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary1_title = ''

setup default

Text_Summary1_num_rows = 8
Text_Summary1_num_cols = 4
Text_Summary1_name(:, :) = ''
Text_Summary1_name(1, 1) = 'model_number'

file output

Text_Summary1_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary1_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary1_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary1_'
Text_Summary1_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary1_file_width = -1
Text_Summary1_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary2_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary2_win_width = 6
Text_Summary2_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary2_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary2_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary2_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary2_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary2_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary2_title = ''
Text_Summary2_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary2_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary2_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary2_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary2_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary2_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary2_'
Text_Summary2_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary2_file_width = -1
Text_Summary2_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary3_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary3_win_width = 6
Text_Summary3_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary3_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary3_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary3_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary3_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary3_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary3_title = ''
Text_Summary3_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary3_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary3_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary3_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary3_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary3_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary3_'
Text_Summary3_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary3_file_width = -1
Text_Summary3_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary4_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary4_win_width = 6
Text_Summary4_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary4_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary4_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary4_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary4_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary4_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary4_title = ''
Text_Summary4_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary4_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary4_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary4_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary4_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary4_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary4_'
Text_Summary4_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary4_file_width = -1
Text_Summary4_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary5_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary5_win_width = 6
Text_Summary5_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary5_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary5_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary5_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary5_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary5_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary5_title = ''
Text_Summary5_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary5_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary5_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary5_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary5_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary5_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary5_'
Text_Summary5_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary5_file_width = -1
Text_Summary5_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary6_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary6_win_width = 6
Text_Summary6_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary6_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary6_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary6_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary6_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary6_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary6_title = ''
Text_Summary6_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary6_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary6_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary6_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary6_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary6_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary6_'
Text_Summary6_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary6_file_width = -1
Text_Summary6_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary7_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary7_win_width = 6
Text_Summary7_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary7_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary7_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary7_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary7_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary7_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary7_title = ''
Text_Summary7_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary7_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary7_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary7_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary7_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary7_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary7_'
Text_Summary7_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary7_file_width = -1
Text_Summary7_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary8_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary8_win_width = 6
Text_Summary8_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary8_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary8_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary8_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary8_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary8_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary8_title = ''
Text_Summary8_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary8_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary8_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary8_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary8_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary8_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary8_'
Text_Summary8_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary8_file_width = -1
Text_Summary8_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Text_Summary9_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary9_win_width = 6
Text_Summary9_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Text_Summary9_xleft = 0.02
Text_Summary9_xright = 0.98
Text_Summary9_ybot = 0.08
Text_Summary9_ytop = 0.98
Text_Summary9_txt_scale = 4.5
Text_Summary9_title = ''
Text_Summary9_num_rows = 0
Text_Summary9_num_cols = 0
Text_Summary9_name(:, :) = ''

file output

Text_Summary9_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary9_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary9_file_prefix = 'Text_Summary9_'
Text_Summary9_file_interval = 5
Text_Summary9_file_width = -1
Text_Summary9_file_aspect_ratio = -1



Grid1_win_flag = .false.
Grid1_win_width = 6
Grid1_win_aspect_ratio = 1
Grid1_xleft = 0.12
Grid1_xright = 0.95
Grid1_ybot = 0.08
Grid1_ytop = 0.92
Grid1_title = ''
Grid1_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid1_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid1_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid1_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid1_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid1_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid1_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid1_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid1_num_cols = 2
Grid1_num_rows = 8
Grid1_num_plots = 4
Grid1_plot_name(4) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid1_plot_row(4) = 7
Grid1_plot_rowspan(4) = 2
Grid1_plot_col(4) = 1
Grid1_plot_colspan(4) = 2
Grid1_plot_pad_left(4) = -0.08
Grid1_plot_pad_right(4) = 0.0
Grid1_plot_pad_top(4) = 0.08
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(4) = -0.05
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(4) = 0.2

file output

Grid1_file_flag = .false.
Grid1_file_dir = 'png'
Grid1_file_prefix = 'grid1_'
Grid1_file_interval = 5
Grid1_file_width = 9
Grid1_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid2_win_flag = .false.
Grid2_win_width = 6
Grid2_win_aspect_ratio = 1
Grid2_xleft = 0.12
Grid2_xright = 0.95
Grid2_ybot = 0.08
Grid2_ytop = 0.92
Grid2_title = ''
Grid2_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid2_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid2_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid2_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid2_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid2_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid2_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid2_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid2_win_width = 9
Grid2_win_aspect_ratio = 0.6
Grid2_num_cols = 4
Grid2_num_rows = 8
Grid2_num_plots = 5
Grid2_plot_name(4) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid2_plot_row(4) = 7
Grid2_plot_rowspan(4) = 2
Grid2_plot_col(4) = 1
Grid2_plot_colspan(4) = 4
Grid2_plot_pad_left(4) = -0.08
Grid2_plot_pad_right(4) = 0.0
Grid2_plot_pad_top(4) = 0.08
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(4) = -0.04
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(4) = 0.19

file output

Grid2_file_flag = .false.
Grid2_file_dir = 'png'
Grid2_file_prefix = 'grid2_'
Grid2_file_interval = 5
Grid2_file_width = 9
Grid2_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid3_win_flag = .false.
Grid3_win_width = 6
Grid3_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2
Grid3_xleft = 0.10
Grid3_xright = 0.89
Grid3_ybot = 0.08
Grid3_ytop = 0.92
Grid3_title = ''
Grid3_num_cols = 1
Grid3_num_rows = 1
Grid3_num_plots = 1
Grid3_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid3_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid3_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid3_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid3_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid3_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid3_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid3_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid3_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid3_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid3_num_cols = 1
Grid3_num_rows = 7
Grid3_num_plots = 3

file output

Grid3_file_flag = .false.
Grid3_file_dir = 'png'
Grid3_file_prefix = 'grid3_'
Grid3_file_interval = 5
Grid3_file_width = -1
Grid3_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid4_win_flag = .false.
Grid4_win_width = 7
Grid4_win_aspect_ratio = 1
Grid4_xleft = 0.12
Grid4_xright = 0.95
Grid4_ybot = 0.08
Grid4_ytop = 0.92
Grid4_title = ''
Grid4_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid4_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid4_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid4_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid4_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid4_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid4_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid4_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid4_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid4_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid4_num_cols = 10
Grid4_num_rows = 9
Grid4_num_plots = 6
Grid4_plot_name(6) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid4_plot_row(6) = 8
Grid4_plot_rowspan(6) = 2
Grid4_plot_col(6) = 1
Grid4_plot_colspan(6) = 10
Grid4_plot_pad_left(6) = -0.08
Grid4_plot_pad_right(6) = 0.0
Grid4_plot_pad_top(6) = 0.03
Grid4_plot_pad_bot(6) = 0.0
Grid4_txt_scale_factor(6) = 0.17

file output

Grid4_file_flag = .false.
Grid4_file_dir = 'png'
Grid4_file_prefix = 'grid4_'
Grid4_file_interval = 5
Grid4_file_width = -1
Grid4_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid5_win_flag = .false.
Grid5_win_width = 7
Grid5_win_aspect_ratio = 1
Grid5_xleft = 0.12
Grid5_xright = 0.95
Grid5_ybot = 0.08
Grid5_ytop = 0.92
Grid5_title = ''
Grid5_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid5_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid5_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid5_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid5_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid5_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid5_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid5_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid5_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid5_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid5_num_cols = 10
Grid5_num_rows = 7
Grid5_num_plots = 5

file output

Grid5_file_flag = .false.
Grid5_file_dir = 'png'
Grid5_file_prefix = 'grid5_'
Grid5_file_interval = 5
Grid5_file_width = -1
Grid5_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid6_win_flag = .false.
Grid6_win_width = 9
Grid6_win_aspect_ratio = 0.7
Grid6_xleft = 0.12
Grid6_xright = 0.95
Grid6_ybot = 0.08
Grid6_ytop = 0.89
Grid6_title = ''
Grid6_num_cols = 1
Grid6_num_rows = 1
Grid6_num_plots = 1
Grid6_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid6_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid6_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid6_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid6_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid6_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid6_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.03
Grid6_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid6_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.09
Grid6_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid6_num_cols = 3
Grid6_num_rows = 3
Grid6_num_plots = 5
Grid6_plot_name(5) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid6_plot_row(5) = 3
Grid6_plot_rowspan(5) = 1
Grid6_plot_col(5) = 1
Grid6_plot_colspan(5) = 3
Grid6_plot_pad_left(5) = -0.07
Grid6_plot_pad_right(5) = -0.02
Grid6_plot_pad_top(5) = 0.1
Grid6_plot_pad_bot(5) = 0.00
Grid6_txt_scale_factor(5) = 0.21

file output

Grid6_file_flag = .false.
Grid6_file_dir = 'png'
Grid6_file_prefix = 'grid6_'
Grid6_file_interval = 5
Grid6_file_width = -1
Grid6_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid7_win_flag = .false.
Grid7_win_width = 6
Grid7_win_aspect_ratio = 1.5
Grid7_xleft = 0.12
Grid7_xright = 0.95
Grid7_ybot = 0.08
Grid7_ytop = 0.91
Grid7_title = ''
Grid7_num_cols = 1
Grid7_num_rows = 1
Grid7_num_plots = 1
Grid7_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid7_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid7_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid7_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid7_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid7_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid7_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid7_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid7_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid7_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.9

set default

Grid7_num_cols = 1
Grid7_num_rows = 3
Grid7_num_plots = 3
Grid7_plot_name(3) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid7_plot_row(3) = 3
Grid7_plot_rowspan(3) = 1
Grid7_plot_col(3) = 1
Grid7_plot_colspan(3) = 1
Grid7_plot_pad_left(3) = -0.08
Grid7_plot_pad_right(3) = 0.0
Grid7_plot_pad_top(3) = 0.1
Grid7_plot_pad_bot(3) = 0.0
Grid7_txt_scale_factor(3) = 0.16

file output

Grid7_file_flag = .false.
Grid7_file_dir = 'png'
Grid7_file_prefix = 'grid7_'
Grid7_file_interval = 5
Grid7_file_width = -1
Grid7_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid8_win_flag = .false.
Grid8_win_width = 7
Grid8_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2
Grid8_xleft = 0.12
Grid8_xright = 0.95
Grid8_ybot = 0.08
Grid8_ytop = 0.91
Grid8_title = ''
Grid8_num_cols = 1
Grid8_num_rows = 1
Grid8_num_plots = 1
Grid8_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid8_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid8_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid8_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid8_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid8_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid8_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.03
Grid8_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid8_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.09
Grid8_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid8_num_cols = 3
Grid8_num_rows = 14
Grid8_num_plots = 6
Grid8_plot_name(6) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid8_plot_row(6) = 12
Grid8_plot_rowspan(6) = 3
Grid8_plot_col(6) = 1
Grid8_plot_colspan(6) = 3
Grid8_plot_pad_left(6) = -0.08
Grid8_plot_pad_right(6) = 0.0
Grid8_plot_pad_top(6) = 0.06
Grid8_plot_pad_bot(6) = 0.0
Grid8_txt_scale_factor(6) = 0.16

file output

Grid8_file_flag = .false.
Grid8_file_dir = 'png'
Grid8_file_prefix = 'grid8_'
Grid8_file_interval = 5
Grid8_file_width = -1
Grid8_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Grid9_win_flag = .false.
Grid9_win_width = 7
Grid9_win_aspect_ratio = 0.8
Grid9_xleft = 0.15
Grid9_xright = 0.85
Grid9_ybot = 0.12
Grid9_ytop = 0.91
Grid9_title = ''
Grid9_num_cols = 1
Grid9_num_rows = 1
Grid9_num_plots = 1
Grid9_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid9_plot_row(:) = 1
Grid9_plot_rowspan(:) = 1
Grid9_plot_col(:) = 1
Grid9_plot_colspan(:) = 1
Grid9_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0
Grid9_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0
Grid9_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0
Grid9_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0
Grid9_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7

set default

Grid9_num_cols = 3
Grid9_num_rows = 11
Grid9_num_plots = 5
Grid9_plot_name(5) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid9_plot_row(5) = 9
Grid9_plot_rowspan(5) = 3
Grid9_plot_col(5) = 1
Grid9_plot_colspan(5) = 3
Grid9_plot_pad_left(5) = -0.08
Grid9_plot_pad_right(5) = 0.0
Grid9_plot_pad_top(5) = 0.08
Grid9_plot_pad_bot(5) = 0.0
Grid9_txt_scale_factor(5) = 0.14

file output

Grid9_file_flag = .false.
Grid9_file_dir = 'png'
Grid9_file_prefix = 'grid9_'
Grid9_file_interval = 5
Grid9_file_width = -1
Grid9_file_aspect_ratio = -1



Plot a &pgstar window of the first star in the binary object (b% s1)

Star1_win_flag = .false.
Star1_win_width = 7
Star1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.8
Star1_xleft = 0.10
Star1_xright = 0.90
Star1_ybot = 0.10
Star1_ytop = 0.90
Star1_title = 'Star 1'

Choose your &pgstar window here

Star1_plot_name = ''
Star1_txt_scale_factor = 0.7

box around the pgstar object

do_star1_box = .false.
star1_box_pad_left = -0.01
star1_box_pad_right = 0.01
star1_box_pad_bot = -0.01
star1_box_pad_top = 0.01

file output

Star1_file_flag = .false.
Star1_file_interval = 5
Star1_file_dir = 'png'
Star1_file_prefix = 'star1_'
Star1_file_width = -1
Star1_file_aspect_ratio = -1


Plot a &pgstar window of the second star in the binary object (b% s2)

Star2_win_flag = .false.
Star2_win_width = 7
Star2_win_aspect_ratio = 0.8
Star2_xleft = 0.10
Star2_xright = 0.90
Star2_ybot = 0.10
Star2_ytop = 0.90
Star2_title = 'Star 2'
Star2_txt_scale_factor = 0.7

Choose your &pgstar window here

Star2_plot_name = ''

box around pgstar window

do_star2_box = .false.
star2_box_pad_left = -0.01
star2_box_pad_right = 0.01
star2_box_pad_bot = -0.01
star2_box_pad_top = 0.01

file output

Star2_file_flag = .false.
Star2_file_interval = 5
Star2_file_dir = 'png'
Star2_file_prefix = 'star2_'
Star2_file_width = -1
Star2_file_aspect_ratio = -1

Common options

show ‘detached’, ‘donor’, or ‘accretor’ after star names

show_mtrans_status = .true.


Show a visual representation of the binary system, with stellar sizes to scale with the separation.

Orbit_win_flag = .false.
Orbit_win_width = 7
Orbit_win_aspect_ratio = 0.9
Orbit_xleft = 0.1
Orbit_xright = 0.9
Orbit_ybot = 0.1
Orbit_ytop = 0.9
Orbit_title = 'Orbit'
Orbit_txt_scale_factor = 1.0

show the roche lobe sizes

Orbit_show_RL = .true.

file output

Orbit_file_flag = .false.
Orbit_file_interval = 1
Orbit_file_dir = 'png'
Orbit_file_prefix = 'orbit_'
Orbit_file_width = -1
Orbit_file_aspect_ratio = -1


“annotation” strings – provide args for PGMTXT

Write text at a position specified relative to the viewport (outside or inside). The text is written using the current values of attributes color-index, line-width, character-height, and character-font.

  • SIDE : must include one of the characters ‘B’, ‘L’, ‘T’, or ‘R’ signifying the Bottom, Left, Top, or Right margin of the viewport. If it includes ‘LV’ or ‘RV’, the string is written perpendicular to the frame rather than parallel to it.

  • DISP : the displacement of the character string from the specified edge of the viewport, measured outwards from the viewport in units of the character height. Use a negative value to write inside the viewport, a positive value to write outside.

  • COORD : the location of the character string along the specified edge of the viewport, as a fraction of the length of the edge.

  • FJUST : controls justification of the string parallel to the specified edge of the viewport. If FJUST = 0.0, the left-hand end of the string will be placed at COORD; if JUST = 0.5, the center of the string will be placed at COORD; if JUST = 1.0, the right-hand end of the string will be placed at at COORD.

annotation1_ci = 1
annotation1_ch = 1
annotation1_lw = 1
annotation1_cf = 1
annotation1_side = 'T'
annotation1_disp = 0
annotation1_coord = 0
annotation1_fjust = 0.0
annotation1_text = ''
annotation2_ci = 1
annotation2_ch = 1
annotation2_lw = 1
annotation2_cf = 1
annotation2_side = 'T'
annotation2_disp = 0
annotation2_coord = 0
annotation2_fjust = 0.0
annotation2_text = ''
annotation3_ci = 1
annotation3_ch = 1
annotation3_lw = 1
annotation3_cf = 1
annotation3_side = 'T'
annotation3_disp = 0
annotation3_coord = 0
annotation3_fjust = 0.0
annotation3_text = ''


the pgbinary extras work the same as for the binary controls

read_extra_pgbinary_inlist(:) = .false.
extra_pgbinary_inlist_name(:) = 'undefined'

if read_extra_pgbinary_inlist(i) is true, then read &pgbinary from this namelist file