This test case checks the evolution of a nova outburst for one cycle.
This test case has 2 parts. Click to see a larger version of a plot.
Part 1 (
) loads1.1M_lgTc_7.7.mod
, a prebuilt carbon-oxygen white dwarf from the make_o_ne_wd test suite, sets the topical depth to 30, evolves for a few steps to an age of 1e7 year and terminates.Part 2 (
) continues the evolution with the accretion of a hydrogen-helium mixture at a rate of 1e-9 Msun/yr. Eventually hydrogen burning in the accerted envelope causes the luminosity to exceed 1e4 Lsun and an alert is written to the terminat via therun_star_extras.f90
num_bursts 1
405 8.277879 4.365E+05 8.624940 8.625037 1.115473 0.000025 0.000000 0.000000 0.309197 329.049014 1497 36
-5.0945E+00 7.679057 -1.661720 -2.464781 7.731723 -9.000000 1.115449 0.000000 0.400729 0.019380 65.113954 10
2.4766E+04 7.926520 4.191187 4.972103 -6.862099 -4.289137 1.115442 0.038204 0.474628 1.000000 0.327E-01 max increase
rel_E_err -1.9543755810854924D-08
log_rel_run_E_err -6.0755826271591920
and when the luminosity falls below 1e3 Lsun a nova cycle is considered finished and the run terminates:
585 7.835616 3.884E+05 1.624521 1.624523 1.115450 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 0.332277 329.045159 1617 48
-1.4608E+00 7.679051 -2.147858 -16.859525 0.457865 -9.000000 1.115449 0.000000 0.400729 0.019454 65.113548 5
2.4768E+04 7.926494 3.015873 -3.748867 -67.588316 -3.897373 1.115442 0.038204 0.474628 1.000000 -0.133E-06 Lnuc_H
rel_E_err -5.3661942520223188D-10
log_rel_run_E_err -5.9590177286527863
have finished burst
The Python script used to create the figures above:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import mesa_reader as mr
# pip install git+https://github.com/wmwolf/py_mesa_reader.git
# if the directory plt_out/ does not exits, make it
if not os.path.exists("plt_out"):
# "MESA" styles for plotting
# note that this requires having a LaTeX installation locally.
# If you don't have that, you can comment out the "text.usetex" line.
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (3.38, 2.535)
plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5
plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = True
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 10
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "serif"
plt.rcParams["font.serif"] = "Computer Modern Roman"
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 'medium'
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'medium'
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 8
plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = False
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300
plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'
plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in'
plt.rcParams['xtick.top'] = True
plt.rcParams['ytick.right'] = True
plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = True
plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible'] = True
plt.rcParams['savefig.bbox'] = 'tight'
plt.rcParams['savefig.pad_inches'] = 0.1
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300
plt.rcParams['savefig.format'] = 'svg'
plt.rcParams['axes.formatter.use_mathtext'] = True
# read in the history data from MESA
l = mr.MesaLogDir("LOGS")
h = l.history
p = l.profile_data()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
# Create a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Create a GridSpec with 6 rows and 3 columns
gs_outer = fig.add_gridspec(1,2, width_ratios=[1, 2])
gs_left = gs_outer[0].subgridspec(2, 1, hspace=0.3)
gs_right = gs_outer[1].subgridspec(3, 2, hspace=0, wspace=0.75)
# First column: Two plots of roughly equal height
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs_left[0])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs_left[1])
# Second column: Three stacked axes sharing the same x-axis
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[0, 0])
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[1, 0])
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[2, 0])
# Third column: Three stacked axes sharing a different x-axis
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[0, 1])
ax7 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[1, 1])
ax8 = fig.add_subplot(gs_right[2, 1])
# HR diagram
ax1.loglog(h.Teff, h.L)
ax1.set_xlabel(r"Effective Temperature [K]")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"Luminosity [$L_{\odot}$]")
# add marker to last point
ax1.plot(h.Teff[-1], h.L[-1], 'o', color='C3')
# T-Rho Profile
# load data from MESA_DIR and save to arrays in T-Rho space
plot_info_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['MESA_DIR'], 'data/star_data/plot_info')
# degeneracy data
psi4_file = os.path.join(plot_info_dir, 'psi4.data')
psi4_data = np.genfromtxt(psi4_file)
psi4_xs = 10**np.array(psi4_data.T[0])
psi4_ys = 10**np.array(psi4_data.T[1])
# hydrogen burn line
hydrogen_burn_file = os.path.join(plot_info_dir, 'hydrogen_burn.data')
hydrogen_burn_data = np.genfromtxt(hydrogen_burn_file)
hydrogen_burn_xs = 10**np.array(hydrogen_burn_data.T[0])
hydrogen_burn_ys = 10**np.array(hydrogen_burn_data.T[1])
# helium burn line
helium_burn_file = os.path.join(plot_info_dir, 'helium_burn.data')
helium_burn_data = np.genfromtxt(helium_burn_file)
helium_burn_xs = 10**np.array(helium_burn_data.T[0])
helium_burn_ys = 10**np.array(helium_burn_data.T[1])
# plot raw T-Rho data; sets limits for us
ax2.loglog(p.Rho, p.T)
# plot psi4 and hydrogen burn lines
# preserve limits... shouldn't have to do it like this, but
# autoscale commands always seem to fail.
x_left, x_right = ax2.get_xlim()
y_bottom, y_top = ax2.get_ylim()
ax2.plot(psi4_xs, psi4_ys, color='lightgrey', ls=':', zorder=-5)
ax2.plot(hydrogen_burn_xs, hydrogen_burn_ys, ls='--', color='lightgrey', zorder=-5)
ax2.plot(helium_burn_xs, helium_burn_ys, ls='--', color='lightgrey', zorder=-5)
ax2.set_xlim(x_left, x_right)
ax2.set_ylim(y_bottom, y_top)
ax2.set_xlabel(r"Density [g/cm$^3$]")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [K]")
# plot strong burning zones
high_burning = np.where(p.eps_nuc > 1e7, True, False)
mid_burning = np.where((p.eps_nuc > 1e3) & (p.eps_nuc < 1e7), True, False)
low_burning = np.where((p.eps_nuc > 1) & (p.eps_nuc < 1e3), True, False)
# temporarily set butt style to round
save_capstyle = plt.rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle']
plt.rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle'] = 'round'
ax2.plot(p.Rho[high_burning], p.T[high_burning], marker='o', ls='', ms=6, color='C3', zorder=-1)
ax2.plot([], [], lw=6, color='C3', label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{nuc}} > 10^7\,\mathrm{erg/g/s}$")
ax2.plot(p.Rho[mid_burning], p.T[mid_burning], marker='o', ls='', ms=4.5, color='C1', zorder=-2)
ax2.plot([], [], color='C1', lw=4.5, label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{nuc}} > 10^3\,\mathrm{erg/g/s}$")
ax2.plot(p.Rho[low_burning], p.T[low_burning], marker='o', ls='', ms=3, color='goldenrod', zorder=-3)
ax2.plot([], [], color='goldenrod', lw=3, label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{nuc}} > 1\,\mathrm{erg/g/s}$")
ax2.legend(loc='lower right')
# restore capstyle
plt.rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle'] = save_capstyle
# time series for last 5 years
window = 5
# top panel: photospheric and H-burning luminosities
mask = h.star_age > (max(h.star_age) - window)
ax3.set_title("Last 5 Years")
ax3.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.L[mask], label=r"$L$")
ax3.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.LH[mask], ls='--', label=r"$L_{\mathrm{H}}$")
ax3.set_ylabel(r"Luminosity [$L_{\odot}$]")
ax3.legend(loc='upper left')
# temperature and radius
ax4.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.Teff[mask], label=r'$T_{\mathrm{eff}}$')
ax4.semilogy([], [], label=r'$R$', ls='--', color='C1')
ax4.legend(loc='upper left')
ax4b = ax4.twinx()
ax4b.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.R[mask], ls='--', color='C1')
ax4.set_ylabel(r"Eff. Temp. [K]", color='C0')
ax4b.set_ylabel('Radius [$R_{\odot}$]', color='C1')
# mass loss and envelope mass
ax5.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.star_mass[mask] - h.he_core_mass[mask], label=r'$\Delta M_{\mathrm{H}}$')
ax5.semilogy([], [], ls='--', label=r'$|\dot{M}|$')
ax5.legend(loc='center left')
ax5.set_ylabel(r"Envelope Mass [$M_{\odot}$]", color='C0')
ax5b = ax5.twinx()
ax5b.semilogy(h.star_age[mask], h.abs_mdot[mask], ls='--', color='C1')
ax5b.set_ylabel(r"$\left\vert\dot{M}\right\vert$ [$M_{\odot}$/yr]", color='C1')
ax5.set_xlabel(r"Star Age [yr]")
# profile at the end of the simulation
# first up, common isotope mass fractions
xm = p.star_mass - p.mass
for iso in ['h1', 'he4', 'c12', 'n14', 'o16']:
element = ''.join([i for i in iso if not i.isdigit()]).capitalize()
mass_number = ''.join([i for i in iso if i.isdigit()])
tex_iso = r"${}^{" + mass_number + r"}$" + element
ax6.loglog(xm, p.data(iso), label=tex_iso)
ax6.set_title("Final Profile")
ax6.set_ylim(4e-5, 1.5)
ax6.legend(loc='lower left')
ax6.set_ylabel(r"Mass Fraction")
# nuclear energy generation rates
ax7.loglog(xm, p.eps_nuc, label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{nuc}}$")
ax7.loglog(xm, p.pp, ls='--', label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{pp}}$")
ax7.loglog(xm, p.cno, ls=':', label=r"$\epsilon_{\mathrm{CNO}}$")
ax7.legend(loc='upper right')
ax7.set_ylabel(r"Specific Power [erg/g/s]")
ax7.set_ylim(1e-6, 1e10)
# basic thermodynamic quantities
ax8.loglog(xm, p.Rho, label='$\\rho$')
ax8.loglog([], [], ls='--', label='$T$')
ax8.set_ylim(2e-3, 2e6)
ax8.set_ylabel(r"Density [g/cm$^3$]", color='C0')
ax8b = ax8.twinx()
ax8b.loglog(xm, p.T, ls='--', color='C1')
ax8b.set_ylim(2e6, 1.25e8)
ax8b.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [K]", color='C1')
ax8.legend(loc='upper right')
for ax in [ax6, ax7, ax8]:
ax.set_xlim(8e-4, 1e-10)
ax8.set_xlabel(r"Exterior Mass Coordinate [M$_{\odot}$]")
Last-Updated: 07Aug2024 (MESA 0b40398b) by wmwolf.
Last-Run: 07Aug2024 (MESA 0b40398b) by wmwolf on Hercules in 431 seconds using 20 threads.