
This test case checks the evolution of a strongly rotating, Omega/Omega_crit = 0.75, 20 Msun, Z=0.02 metallicity model from the pre-main sequence to the end of core helium burning.

This test case has one part. Click to see a larger view of a plot.

  • Part 1 (inlist_to_end_core_he_burn) loads a 20 Msun zero-age main-sequence model, relaxes a uniform new_omega_div_omega_crit = 0.75 rotation profile, and evolves the model to the end of core helium burning (mass fraction he4 < 0.0001). At the end of the run:


pgstar commands used for the plots above:


  file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
  file_device = 'png'            ! png
  file_extension = 'png'

  !file_device = 'vcps'          ! postscript
  !file_extension = 'ps'

   pgstar_interval = 10
   file_digits = 8

 ! some global grid plot settings at end

 pgstar_show_model_number = .false.
 pgstar_show_age = .false.


 Grid1_win_flag = .true.
 Grid1_win_width = 15
 Grid1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.666

 ! file output
 Grid1_file_flag = .true.
 Grid1_file_dir = 'png'
 Grid1_file_prefix = 'grid1_'
 Grid1_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,Grid1_file_interval)==0
 Grid1_file_width = 15        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
 Grid1_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

 ! reset the defaults

 Grid1_plot_name(:) = ''
 Grid1_plot_row(:) = 1           ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(:) = 1       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(:) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(:) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns
 Grid1_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_title = ''

 Grid1_num_cols = 3 ! divide plotting region into this many equal width cols
 Grid1_num_rows = 5 ! divide plotting region into this many equal height rows
 Grid1_num_plots = 6 ! <= 10

 Grid1_plot_name(1) = 'Text_Summary1'
 Grid1_plot_row(1) = 1           ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(1) = 1       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(1) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(1) = 3       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(1) = -0.03   ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(1) = 0.0   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(1) = -0.06     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(1) = 0.07     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(1) = 1 ! 0.8 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_plot_name(2) = 'TRho_Profile'
 Grid1_plot_row(2) = 2          ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(2) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(2) =  2          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(2) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(2) = -0.01    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(2) = 0.06   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(2) = -0.04     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(2) = 0.01    ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(2) = 0.8 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_plot_name(4) = 'Kipp'
 Grid1_plot_row(4) = 4           ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(4) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(4) =  2          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(4) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(4) = -0.01    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(4) = 0.06   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(4) = 0.05     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(4) = 0.0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(4) = 0.6 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_plot_name(3) = 'HR'
 Grid1_plot_row(3) = 2           ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(3) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(3) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(3) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(3) = 0.00    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(3) = 0.08   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(3) = -0.04     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(3) = 0.03     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(3) = 1.0 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_plot_name(5) = 'TRho'
 Grid1_plot_row(5) = 4           ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(5) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(5) = 1          ! number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(5) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(5) = 0.00    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(5) = 0.08   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(5) = 0.05     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(5) = 0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(5) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

 Grid1_plot_name(6) = 'Profile_Panels3'
 Grid1_plot_row(6) = 2          ! number from 1 at top
 Grid1_plot_rowspan(6) = 4       ! plot spans this number of rows
 Grid1_plot_col(6) =  3          ! Number from 1 at left
 Grid1_plot_colspan(6) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns

 Grid1_plot_pad_left(6) = 0.04    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
 Grid1_plot_pad_right(6) = 0.06   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
 Grid1_plot_pad_top(6) = -0.04    ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
 Grid1_plot_pad_bot(6) = 0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
 Grid1_txt_scale_factor(6) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this


 Profile_Panels3_win_flag = .false.

 Profile_Panels3_title = ''

 Profile_Panels3_num_panels = 3

 Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(1) = 'Abundance'

 Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(2) = 'Power'

 Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(3) = 'Mixing'
 Mixing_legend_txt_scale_factor = 0.9

 !Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(4) = '' ! 'logT'
 !Profile_Panels3_other_yaxis_name(4) = '' ! 'zone'
 !Profile_Panels3_other_ymin(4) = -101d0
 !Profile_Panels3_other_ymax(4) = -101d0

 !Profile_Panels3_yaxis_name(5) = ''
 !Profile_Panels3_other_yaxis_name(5) = ''
 !Profile_Panels3_other_ymin(5) = -101d0
 !Profile_Panels3_other_ymax(5) = -101d0

 ! x-axis limits and properties
 Profile_Panels3_xaxis_name = 'mass'
 Profile_Panels3_xmin = 0.0
 Profile_Panels3_xmax = 10.0
 Profile_Panels3_xaxis_reversed = .false.

 Profile_Panels3_show_grid = .true.
 Profile_Panels3_show_mix_regions_on_xaxis = .true.


 !TRho_Profile_win_flag = .true.
 TRho_Profile_win_width = 8
 TRho_Profile_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

 ! file output
 !TRho_Profile_file_flag = .true.
 TRho_Profile_file_dir = 'TRho'
 TRho_Profile_file_prefix = 'trho_'
 TRho_Profile_file_interval = 10 ! output when `mod(model_number,TRho_Profile_file_interval)==0`
 TRho_Profile_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
 TRho_Profile_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

 TRho_Profile_xleft = 0.15
 TRho_Profile_xright = 0.85
 TRho_Profile_ybot = 0.15
 TRho_Profile_ytop = 0.85
 TRho_Profile_txt_scale = 0.7
 TRho_Profile_title = ' '

 TRho_switch_to_Column_Depth = .false.
 TRho_switch_to_mass = .false.

 show_TRho_Profile_legend = .true.
  TRho_Profile_legend_coord = 0.07
  TRho_Profile_legend_fjust = 0.0
  TRho_Profile_legend_disp1 = -2.0
  TRho_Profile_legend_del_disp = -1.3
  TRho_Profile_legend_txt_scale = 1.1

 show_TRho_Profile_text_info = .false.
  TRho_Profile_text_info_xfac = 0.77 ! controls x location
  TRho_Profile_text_info_dxfac = 0.02 ! controls x spacing to value from text
  TRho_Profile_text_info_yfac = 0.6 ! controls y location of 1st line
  TRho_Profile_text_info_dyfac = -0.04 ! controls line spacing

 show_TRho_Profile_mass_locs = .false.
 show_TRho_accretion_mesh_borders = .false.
 show_TRho_Profile_kap_regions = .false.
 show_TRho_Profile_eos_regions = .false.
 show_TRho_Profile_degeneracy_line = .true.
 show_TRho_Profile_Pgas_Prad_line = .true.
 show_TRho_Profile_burn_lines = .true.
 show_TRho_Profile_burn_labels = .true.

 ! axis limits
 TRho_Profile_xmin = -14.0
 TRho_Profile_xmax = 10.0
 TRho_Profile_ymin = 2.5
 TRho_Profile_ymax = 10.0

 ! these are shown if show_TRho_Profile_mass_locs = .true.
 ! set all the entries
 profile_mass_point_q = -1
 profile_mass_point_color_index = 1
 profile_mass_point_symbol = -6
 profile_mass_point_symbol_scale = 1.7
 profile_mass_point_str = ''
 profile_mass_point_str_clr = 1
 profile_mass_point_str_scale = 1.0

 ! set defaults
 num_profile_mass_points = 3 ! max is defined in star_def (max_num_profile_mass_points)

 profile_mass_point_q(1) = 0.5
 profile_mass_point_color_index(1) = 1
 profile_mass_point_symbol(1) = -6
 profile_mass_point_str(1) = '  0.5 M\d\(0844)\u'
 profile_mass_point_str_clr(1) = 1

 profile_mass_point_q(2) = 0.95
 profile_mass_point_color_index(2) = 1
 profile_mass_point_symbol(2) = -6
 profile_mass_point_str(2) = '  0.95 M\d\(0844)\u'
 profile_mass_point_str_clr(3) = 1

 profile_mass_point_q(3) = 0.999
 profile_mass_point_color_index(3) = 1
 profile_mass_point_symbol(3) = -6
 profile_mass_point_str(3) = '  0.999 M\d\(0844)\u'
 profile_mass_point_str_clr(3) = 1


 ! Text_Summary windows

 Text_Summary1_win_flag = .false.
 Text_Summary1_win_width = 10
 Text_Summary1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.15

 Text_Summary1_xleft = 0.01
 Text_Summary1_xright = 0.99
 Text_Summary1_ybot = 0.0
 Text_Summary1_ytop = 1.0
 Text_Summary1_txt_scale = 0.95
 Text_Summary1_title = ''

 Text_Summary1_num_rows = 6 ! <= 20
 Text_Summary1_num_cols = 5 ! <= 20
 Text_Summary1_name(:,:) = ''

 Text_Summary1_name(1,1) = 'model_number'
 Text_Summary1_name(1,2) = 'Teff'
 Text_Summary1_name(1,3) = 'Mass'
 Text_Summary1_name(1,4) = 'H_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(1,5) = 'H_rich'

 Text_Summary1_name(2,1) = 'log_dt'
 Text_Summary1_name(2,2) = 'log_R'
 Text_Summary1_name(2,3) = 'lg_Mdot'
 Text_Summary1_name(2,4) = 'He_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(2,5) = 'He_core'

 Text_Summary1_name(3,1) = 'star_age'
 Text_Summary1_name(3,2) = 'log_L'
 Text_Summary1_name(3,3) = 'eta_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(3,4) = 'C_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(3,5) = 'CO_core'

 Text_Summary1_name(4,1) = 'log_max_T'
 Text_Summary1_name(4,2) = 'log_LH'
 Text_Summary1_name(4,3) = 'lg_Lnuc'
 Text_Summary1_name(4,4) = 'O_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(4,5) = 'Fe_core'

 Text_Summary1_name(5,1) = 'log_cntr_T'
 Text_Summary1_name(5,2) = 'log_LHe'
 Text_Summary1_name(5,3) = 'lg_Lneu'
 Text_Summary1_name(5,4) = 'Ne_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(5,5) = 'zones'

 Text_Summary1_name(6,1) = 'log_cntr_Rho'
 Text_Summary1_name(6,2) = 'log_LZ'
 Text_Summary1_name(6,3) = 'lg_Lphoto'
 Text_Summary1_name(6,4) = 'Si_cntr'
 Text_Summary1_name(6,5) = 'retries'


 ! Abundance profile plot

 Abundance_win_flag = .false.

 ! window properties
 Abundance_win_width = 10
 Abundance_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75

 Abundance_xleft = 0.15
 Abundance_xright = 0.85
 Abundance_ybot = 0.15
 Abundance_ytop = 0.85
 Abundance_txt_scale = 1
 Abundance_title = ''

 ! isotopes to plot

 Abundance_num_isos_to_show = 20

 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(1)  = 'h1'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(2)  = 'he3'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(3)  = 'he4'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(4)  = 'c12'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(5)  = 'n14'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(6)  = 'o16'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(7)  = 'ne20'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(8)  = 'mg24'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(9) = 'si28'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(10) = 's32'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(11) = 'ar36'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(12) = 'ca40'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(13) = 'ti44'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(14) = 'cr48'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(15) = 'cr56'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(16) = 'fe52'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(17) = 'fe54'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(18) = 'fe56'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(19) = 'ni56'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(20) = 'neut'
 !Abundance_which_isos_to_show(22) = 'ne22'

 ! number and size of isotope labels along curves
 num_abundance_line_labels = 4
 Abundance_line_txt_scale_factor = 1.1

 ! number and size of isotopes on legend
 Abundance_legend_max_cnt = 10
 Abundance_legend_txt_scale_factor = 1.0

 ! xaxis name and orientation
 Abundance_xaxis_name = 'mass'
 Abundance_xaxis_reversed = .false.

 ! xaxis limits
 Abundance_xmin = 0.0
 Abundance_xmax = 10.0 ! -101d0

 ! yaxis limits
 Abundance_log_mass_frac_min = -3.5
 Abundance_log_mass_frac_max =  0.3

 ! file output
 Abundance_file_flag = .false.
 Abundance_file_dir = 'Abundance'
 Abundance_file_prefix = 'abund_'
 Abundance_file_width = -1        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
 Abundance_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


 ! power plot

 Power_win_flag = .false.
 Power_win_width = 10
 Power_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
 Power_title = ''

 Power_xleft = 0.15
 Power_xright = 0.85
 Power_ybot = 0.15
 Power_ytop = 0.85
 Power_txt_scale = 1.0
 Power_title = ' '

 Power_xaxis_name = 'mass'
 Power_xaxis_reversed = .false.

 Power_legend_max_cnt = 10
 Power_legend_txt_scale_factor = 1.0 ! relative to other text

 ! power xaxis limits -- to override system default selections
 Power_xmin = 0.0
 Power_xmax = 10.0 ! -101d0

 ! power yaxis limits -- to override system default selections
 Power_ymin = -5.0 !   -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
 Power_ymax = 25.0 ! -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0

 ! file output
 Power_file_flag = .false.
 Power_file_dir = 'png'
 Power_file_prefix = 'power_'
 Power_file_interval = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,Power_file_interval)==0
 Power_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
 Power_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


 ! mixing plot

 Mixing_xmin = 0.0
 Mixing_xmax = 10.0 ! -101d0
 Mixing_legend_txt_scale_factor = 1.0 ! relative to other text

 Mixing_show_rotation_details = .false.

 Mixing_win_flag = .false.
 !Mixing_file_flag = .true.
 Mixing_file_dir = 'png'
 Mixing_file_prefix = 'mixing_'
 Mixing_file_interval = 1 ! output when `mod(model_number,Mixing_file_interval)==0`
 Mixing_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
 Mixing_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


    !# HR window
       ! history of `lg_L` vs. `lg_Teff`

          HR_win_flag = .false.

          HR_win_width = 6
          HR_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

          HR_xleft = 0.15
          HR_xright = 0.85
          HR_ybot = 0.15
          HR_ytop = 0.85
          HR_txt_scale = 0.7 !1.0
          HR_title = ''

          ! axis limits -- to override system default selections
          HR_logT_min = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          HR_logT_max = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          HR_logL_min = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          HR_logL_max = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0

          HR_logL_margin = 0.1
          HR_logT_margin = 0.1
          HR_dlogT_min = -1
          HR_dlogL_min = -1

          HR_step_min = -1 ! only plot models with model number >= this
          HR_step_max = -1 ! only plot models with model number <= this

          show_HR_classical_instability_strip = .false.
          show_HR_Mira_instability_region = .false.
          show_HR_WD_instabilities = .false.

          show_HR_target_box = .false.
          HR_target_n_sigma = -3 ! -n means show sig 1..n
          HR_target_logL = 0
          HR_target_logL_sigma = 0
          HR_target_logT = 0
          HR_target_logT_sigma = 0

          show_HR_annotation1 = .false.
          show_HR_annotation2 = .false.
          show_HR_annotation3 = .false.

          HR_fname = '' ! file name for extra HR data

          ! Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot
          ! see `$MESA_DIR/star/other/pgstar_decorator.f90`
          HR_use_decorator = .false.

          ! file output
          HR_file_flag = .false.
          HR_file_dir = 'png'
          HR_file_prefix = 'hr_'
          HR_file_interval = 5 ! output when `mod(model_number,HR_file_interval)==0`
          HR_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
          HR_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


    !# TRho window
       ! history of central temperature vs. density

          TRho_win_flag = .false.

          TRho_win_width = 6
          TRho_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

          TRho_xleft = 0.15
          TRho_xright = 0.85
          TRho_ybot = 0.15
          TRho_ytop = 0.85
          TRho_txt_scale = 1.0
          TRho_title = ''

          ! axis limits -- to override system default selections
          TRho_logT_min = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          TRho_logT_max = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          TRho_logRho_min = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0
          TRho_logRho_max = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0

          TRho_logT_margin = 0.1
          TRho_logRho_margin = 0.1
          TRho_logRho_dlogRho_min = -1
          TRho_logT_dlogT_min = -1

          TRho_step_min = -1 ! only plot models with model number >= this
          TRho_step_max = -1 ! only plot models with model number <= this

          show_TRho_degeneracy_line = .true.

          show_TRho_annotation1 = .false.
          show_TRho_annotation2 = .false.
          show_TRho_annotation3 = .false.

          TRho_fname = '' ! file name for extra TRho data

          ! Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot
          ! see `$MESA_DIR/star/other/pgstar_decorator.f90`
          TRho_use_decorator = .false.

          ! file output
          TRho_file_flag = .false.
          TRho_file_dir = 'png'
          TRho_file_prefix = 'trho_'
          TRho_file_interval = 5 ! output when `mod(model_number,TRho_file_interval)==0`
          TRho_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
          TRho_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


    !# "Kippenhahn" window
       ! history of convection and more.

       !     your history_columns.list needs to include
       !            star_mass
       !            mixing_regions 40    -- 40 can be changed if you wish
       !            burning_regions 80    -- 80 can be changed if you wish
       !     and if you have set M_center > 0, then also include
       !            log_xmstar
       !     if you want to show luminosities, include some or all of
       !            log_L, log_Lneu, log_LH, log_LHe
       !     if you want to show mass boundaries, then include some or all of
       !            he_core_mass, c_core_mass, o_core_mass, si_core_mass, fe_core_mass

          Kipp_win_flag = .false.

          Kipp_win_width = 7
          Kipp_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

          Kipp_xleft = 0.15
          Kipp_xright = 0.85
          Kipp_ybot = 0.15
          Kipp_ytop = 0.85
          Kipp_txt_scale = 1.0
          Kipp_title = ''

          ! Set xaxis
          Kipp_step_xmin = -1 ! Min model number to plot. Negative means start from the first model
          Kipp_step_xmax = -1 ! Max model number to plot. Negative means use max model_number
                               ! These can be combined with Kipp_{xmin,xmax} options
          Kipp_max_width = -1 ! Maximum number of steps to show at once.
                               ! Negative implies show all steps. This overrides `Kipp_step_xmin`

          Kipp_xaxis_name = 'model_number' ! xaxis coordinates. Sensible choices
                                          ! are `model_number` or `star_age`
          Kipp_xaxis_log=.false. ! Whether xaxis should be reported as a log10 value
          Kipp_xmin=-101d0 ! Min of x value to plot. -101d0 means use min(x)
          Kipp_xmax=-101d0 ! Max of x value to plot. -101d0 means use max(x)
          Kipp_xaxis_reversed=.false. ! Whether to reverse the direction of the xaxis
          Kipp_xaxis_in_seconds=.false. ! Whether to plot time in seconds
                                         ! Requires `Kipp_xaxis_name='star_age'`
          Kipp_xaxis_in_Myr=.false. ! Whether to plot time in units of 10^6 years
                                         ! Requires `Kipp_xaxis_name='star_age'`
          Kipp_xaxis_time_from_present=.false. ! Whether to plot time since present.
                                                ! plots `star_age-max(star_age)`
                                                ! Requires `Kipp_xaxis_name='star_age'`

          ! bounds for mass yaxis
          Kipp_mass_max = -1 ! (Msun units) negative means use default
          Kipp_mass_min = -1 ! (Msun units) negative means use default
          Kipp_mass_margin = 0.01

          ! bounds for luminosity yaxis
          Kipp_lgL_max = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0; (L in Lsun units)
          Kipp_lgL_min = -101d0 ! only used if /= -101d0; (L in Lsun units)
          Kipp_lgL_margin = 0.1

          Kipp_show_mixing = .true.
             ! this uses the `mixing_regions` specified in your `history_columns.list`
          Kipp_show_burn = .true.
             ! this uses the `burning_regions` specified in your `history_columns.list`

          Kipp_show_luminosities = .false.
             ! to use this option, include the following in your `history_columns.list`
             ! `log_L`, `log_Lneu`, `log_LH`, `log_LHe`
          Kipp_show_mass_boundaries = .true.
             ! to use this option, include the following in your `history_columns.list`
             ! `he_core_mass`, `c_core_mass`, `o_core_mass`, `si_core_mass`, `fe_core_mass`

          Kipp_mix_line_weight = 10
          Kipp_mix_interval = 4
             ! show mixing for steps with `mod(model_number, Kipp_mix_interval) = 0.`

          Kipp_burn_line_weight = 14

          Kipp_burn_type_cutoff = 0d0
             ! show burn lines only for abs(log(eps)) > Kipp_burn_type_cutoff

          Kipp_luminosities_line_weight = 8
          Kipp_masses_line_weight = 8

          show_Kipp_annotation1 = .false.
          show_Kipp_annotation2 = .false.
          show_Kipp_annotation3 = .false.

          ! Enables calling a subroutine to add extra information to a plot
          ! see `$MESA_DIR/star/other/pgstar_decorator.f90`
          Kipp_use_decorator = .false.

          ! file output
          Kipp_file_flag = .false.
          Kipp_file_dir = 'png'
          Kipp_file_prefix = 'conv_'
          Kipp_file_interval = 5 ! output when `mod(model_number,Kipp_file_interval)==0`
          Kipp_file_width = -1 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
          Kipp_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window


 ! some global grid plot settings

 pgstar_title_scale = 1.3
 pgstar_title_disp = 1.1
 pgstar_title_coord = 0.5
 pgstar_title_fjust = 0.5

 pgstar_age_scale = 0.8
 pgstar_age_disp = 3.0
 pgstar_age_coord = 0.0
 pgstar_age_fjust = 0.0

 pgstar_xaxis_label_scale = 1.3
 pgstar_left_yaxis_label_scale = 1.3
 pgstar_xaxis_label_disp = 2.2
 pgstar_left_yaxis_label_disp = 3.1
 pgstar_right_yaxis_label_disp = 4.1

 pgstar_model_scale = 0.8
 pgstar_model_disp = 3.0
 pgstar_model_coord = 1.0
 pgstar_model_fjust = 1.0

/ ! end of pgstar namelist

Last-Updated: 28May2021 (MESA ebecc10) by fxt