This test suite example builds a Type IIp supernova model, including Rayleigh-Taylor Instability mixing, for subsquent use in STELLA.
This test case has 8 parts and src/run_star_extras.f90
is important. Click to see a larger view of a plot.
Part 1 (
) loadspre_ccsn.mod
. The evolution of the 11.7 MSun model with with cell center Riemann velocities (u) and a total energy of -9.4e50 erg continues util R_center drops below 400 km:
Part 2 (
) continues the evolution for an additional 1e-5 sec using HLLC hydrodynamics:
Part 3 (
) injects thermal energy into the inner 0.2 Msun until the model reaches a total energy of 8e50 erg:
Part 4 (
) contnues the evolution until the outward bound shock reaches 1.83 Msun:
Part 5 (
) contnues the evolution until the outward bound shock reaches 2.68 Msun:
Part 6 (
) contnues the evolution until the outward bound shock reaches 3.88 Msun:
Part 7 (
) contnues the evolution until the outward bound shock reaches 11.64 Msun:
Part 8 (
) continues the approach to shock breakout, terminating when the shock reaches 11.70 Msun, and creating themesa.abn
files for subsequent use with STELLA:
pgstar commands used for the first 7 plots:
file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
file_device = 'png' ! png
file_extension = 'png'
!file_device = 'vcps' ! postscript
!file_extension = 'ps'
pgstar_interval = 10
pgstar_grid_title_disp = 1.8
Mixing_ymin = 8
Mixing_ymax = 22
Profile_Panels1_title = ''
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_name = 'mass'
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_reversed = .false.
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(1) = 'logRho'
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(2) = 'logT'
Profile_Panels1_ymin(1) = -101
! Profile_Panels1_ymin(2) = -10
! Profile_Panels1_ymax(2) = 0.3
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(1) = 'logP'
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(2) = 'energy'
Profile_Panels1_other_ymin(1) = -101
! Profile_Panels1_other_ymin(2) = -12
! Profile_Panels1_other_ymax(2) = 0
Profile_Panels1_num_panels = 2
Profile_Panels2_title = ''
Profile_Panels2_xaxis_name = 'mass'
Profile_Panels2_xaxis_reversed = .false.
Profile_Panels2_num_panels = 2
Profile_Panels2_yaxis_name(1) = 'v_div_csound'
Profile_Panels2_yaxis_name(2) = 'entropy'
Profile_Panels2_ymin(1) = -101
Profile_Panels2_ymin(2) = -101
Profile_Panels2_other_yaxis_name(1) = 'vel_km_per_s'
Profile_Panels2_other_yaxis_name(2) = 'total_energy'
Profile_Panels2_other_ymin(1) = -101
Profile_Panels2_other_ymin(2) = -101
Text_Summary1_txt_scale = 5.5
Text_Summary1_num_rows = 5
Text_Summary1_num_cols = 3
Text_Summary1_name(1, 1) = 'model_number'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 1) = 'star_age_sec'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 1) = 'time_step_sec'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 1) = 'log_rel_run_E_err'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 1) = 'total_energy'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 1) = 'log_R'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 1) = 'log_g'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 1) = 'log_surf_cell_P'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 2) = 'envelope_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 2) = 'he_core_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 2) = 'm_center'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 2) = 'r_center_km'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 2) = 'v_center'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 2) = 'cz_top_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 2) = 'cz_bot_radius'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 2) = 'cz_top_radius'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 3) = 'num_zones'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 3) = 'num_iters'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 3) = 'num_retries'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 3) = 'shock_radius'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 3) = 'shock_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 3) = 'center c12'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 3) = 'center n14'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 3) = 'center o16'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 4) = 'log_Lnuc'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 4) = 'log_Lneu'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 4) = 'log_LH'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 4) = 'log_LHe'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 4) = 'log_LZ'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 4) = 'num_zones'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 4) = 'num_retries'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 4) = ''
Grid2_title = 'CCSN with Rayleigh-Taylor Instability'
Grid2_plot_name(1) = 'Profile_Panels1'
Grid2_plot_name(2) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid2_plot_name(3) = 'Abundance'
Grid2_plot_name(4) = 'Mixing'
Grid2_plot_name(5) = 'Profile_Panels2'
Grid2_plot_row(1) = 1
Grid2_plot_row(2) = 7
Grid2_plot_row(3) = 1
Grid2_plot_row(4) = 5
Grid2_plot_row(5) = 1
Grid2_plot_rowspan(1) = 6
Grid2_plot_rowspan(2) = 2
Grid2_plot_rowspan(3) = 4
Grid2_plot_rowspan(4) = 4
Grid2_plot_rowspan(5) = 6
Grid2_plot_col(1) = 1
Grid2_plot_col(2) = 1
Grid2_plot_col(3) = 5
Grid2_plot_col(4) = 5
Grid2_plot_col(5) = 3
Grid2_plot_colspan(1) = 2
Grid2_plot_colspan(2) = 4
Grid2_plot_colspan(3) = 3
Grid2_plot_colspan(4) = 3
Grid2_plot_colspan(5) = 2
Grid2_plot_pad_left(1) = -0.02
Grid2_plot_pad_left(2) = -0.08
Grid2_plot_pad_left(3) = 0.14
Grid2_plot_pad_left(4) = 0.14
Grid2_plot_pad_left(5) = 0.06
Grid2_plot_pad_right(1) = 0.07
Grid2_plot_pad_right(2) = -0.12
Grid2_plot_pad_right(3) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_right(4) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_right(5) = -0.01
Grid2_plot_pad_top(1) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_top(2) = 0.08
Grid2_plot_pad_top(3) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_top(4) = 0.06
Grid2_plot_pad_top(5) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(1) = 0
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(2) = -0.04
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(3) = 0.09
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(4) = 0.03
Grid2_plot_pad_bot(5) = 0
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(1) = 0.65
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(2) = 0.19
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(3) = 0.65
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(4) = 0.65
Grid2_txt_scale_factor(5) = 0.65
Grid2_num_cols = 7
Grid2_num_rows = 8
Grid2_num_plots = 5
Grid2_win_flag = .true.
Grid2_win_width = 15
Grid2_win_aspect_ratio = 0.6
Grid2_file_flag = .true.
Grid2_file_dir = 'png'
Grid2_file_prefix = 'test_'
Grid2_file_interval = 100
Grid2_file_width = 15
Grid2_file_aspect_ratio = -1
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_name = 'zone'
Profile_Panels1_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Profile_Panels1_xmin = 500
Profile_Panels1_xmax = -101d0
Profile_Panels2_xaxis_name = 'zone'
Profile_Panels2_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Profile_Panels2_xmin = 500
Profile_Panels2_xmax = -101d0
Mixing_xaxis_name = 'zone'
Mixing_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Mixing_xmin = 500
Mixing_xmax = -101d0
Abundance_xaxis_name = 'zone'
Abundance_xaxis_reversed = .true.
Abundance_xmin = 500
Abundance_xmax = -101d0
/ ! end of pgstar namelist
pgstar commands used for the 8th plot:
file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
file_device = 'png' ! png
file_extension = 'png'
!file_device = 'vcps' ! postscript
!file_extension = 'ps'
pgstar_interval = 1
Abundance_xmin = -101
Mixing_xmin = -101
Profile_Panels1_xmin = -101
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(1) = 'logT'
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(2) = 'v_div_csound'
Profile_Panels1_ymin(2) = 0
Profile_Panels1_ymax(2) = -101
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(1) = 'entropy'
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(2) = 'csound'
Profile_Panels1_other_ymin(2) = -101
Profile_Panels1_other_ymax(2) = -101
Profile_Panels2_xmin = -101
Profile_Panels2_yaxis_name(1) = 'Abundance'
Profile_Panels2_yaxis_name(2) = 'luminosity'
Profile_Panels2_ymin(2) = -101
Profile_Panels2_other_yaxis_name(2) = 'log_dr_div_cs'
Profile_Panels2_other_ymin(2) = -101
History_Track1_title = 'Breakout Light Curve'
History_Track1_xname = 'star_age_hr'
History_Track1_yname = 'log_L'
History_Track1_xaxis_label = 'hours'
History_Track1_yaxis_label = 'log L/L\d\(2281)'
History_Track1_reverse_xaxis = .false.
History_Track1_reverse_yaxis = .false.
History_Track1_log_xaxis = .false.
History_Track1_log_yaxis = .false.
Text_Summary1_name(1, 1) = 'model_number'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 1) = 'log_star_age'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 1) = 'log_dt'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 1) = 'log_L'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 1) = 'log_Teff'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 1) = 'log_R'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 1) = 'log_g'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 1) = 'log_surf_cell_P'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 2) = 'star_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 2) = 'log_abs_mdot'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 2) = 'he_core_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 2) = 'c_core_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 2) = 'cz_bot_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 2) = 'cz_top_mass'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 2) = 'cz_bot_radius'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 2) = 'cz_top_radius'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 3) = 'log_cntr_T'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 3) = 'log_cntr_Rho'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 3) = 'log_center_P'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 3) = 'center h1'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 3) = 'v_div_csound_surf'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 3) = 'center c12'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 3) = 'center n14'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 3) = 'center o16'
Text_Summary1_name(1, 4) = 'log_Lnuc'
Text_Summary1_name(2, 4) = 'log_Lneu'
Text_Summary1_name(3, 4) = 'log_LH'
Text_Summary1_name(4, 4) = 'log_LHe'
Text_Summary1_name(5, 4) = 'log_LZ'
Text_Summary1_name(6, 4) = 'num_zones'
Text_Summary1_name(7, 4) = 'num_retries'
Text_Summary1_name(8, 4) = ''
Grid2_plot_name(1) = 'TRho_Profile'
Grid2_plot_name(2) = 'HR'
Grid2_plot_name(3) = 'TRho'
Grid2_plot_name(4) = 'History_Track1'
Grid2_plot_name(5) = 'Abundance'
Grid2_win_flag = .true.
Grid2_file_flag = .true.
Grid2_file_dir = 'png'
Grid2_file_prefix = 'test_'
Grid2_file_interval = 100
Grid2_file_width = 15
Grid2_file_aspect_ratio = -1
/ ! end of pgstar namelist
Last-Updated: 03Jun2021 (MESA 5be9e57) by fxt