This test case program checks MESA’s memory management. It is designed primarily to be run inside the valgrind leak-checking tool, and is based on code provided originally by Warrick Ball.
The program test_memory
builds a pre-main sequence model, and then deletes it,
twice in succession - see src/test_memory.f90
For speed reasons, the ./rn script does NOT use valgrind.
Rather, valgrind must be launched by hand:
valgrind --leak-check=full --error-limit=no ./test_memory
To hide a number of false positives, due to internal gfortran issues, one can also use the supplied supression file mesa.supp
valgrind --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --suppressions=mesa.supp ./test_memory
Other usefull valgrind options:
--show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes : To add additonal output
--log-file=valgrind.out : Redirect valgrind's output to the file ``valgrind.out''
--gen-suppressions=all : Generates supression rules as valgrind runs, helpful when you want to edit mesa.supp
Last-Updated: 03Jul2021 (MESA 094ff71) by fxt.