This test case checks the creation of a 1.05 Mjup, Z=1e-4 metallicity model and its subsequent evolution for 20 billion years.
This test case has 1 part. Click to see a larger version of a plot.
Part 1 (
) creates a 1.05 Mjup, Z=1e-4 metallicity model, using the less frequently deployedcreate_initial_model
capability, and evolves the brown drawf model for 20 billion years.
pgstar commands used for the plots above:
file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
!file_device = 'png' ! png
file_device = 'vcps' ! postscript
pgstar_interval = 10
Grid1_win_flag = .true.
Grid1_win_width = 14
Grid1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
Grid1_title = 'inlist_make_brown_dwarf'
TRho_Profile_xmin = -8
TRho_Profile_xmax = 4
TRho_Profile_ymin = 2
TRho_Profile_ymax = 6
Grid1_file_flag = .true.
Grid1_file_dir = 'png'
Grid1_file_prefix = 'grid1_'
Grid1_file_interval = 10000 ! output when mod(model_number,file_interval)==0
Grid1_file_width = 14 ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
Grid1_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window
/ ! end of pgstar namelist
Last-Updated: 17Jun2021 (MESA e2acbc2) by fxt.