
This test suite example checks angular momentum conservation from the zero age main-sequence to the formation of a helium core in 1.0 Msun, Z=0.02 metallicity, model.

This test case has 2 parts. Click to see a larger view of a plot.

  • Part 1 (inlist_zams) builds a 1.0 Msun, Z=0.02 metallicity, pre-main sequence model and evolves until the zero age main-sequence.

  • Part 2 (inlist_conserve_J) imposes a uniform 10 km/s rotation profile, and continues the evolution until the helium core reaches a mass of 0.22 Msun. Throughout this evolution a relative change in the angular momentum (J_init - J)/J_init of order 3e-13 is reported in the terminal:


pgstar commands used for the first 7 plots:


  file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
  file_device = 'png'            ! png
  file_extension = 'png'

  !file_device = 'vcps'          ! postscript
  !file_extension = 'ps'

   pgstar_interval = 10

Abundance_win_flag = .false.
Abundance_win_width = 15
Abundance_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75

Abundance_title = ''
Abundance_num_isos_to_show = 6

Abundance_which_isos_to_show(1)  = 'h1'
Abundance_which_isos_to_show(2)  = 'he3'
Abundance_which_isos_to_show(3)  = 'he4'
Abundance_which_isos_to_show(4)  = 'c12'
Abundance_which_isos_to_show(5)  = 'n14'
Abundance_which_isos_to_show(6)  = 'o16'

num_abundance_line_labels = 4
Abundance_line_txt_scale_factor = 1.0
Abundance_legend_max_cnt = 0
Abundance_legend_txt_scale_factor = 0.6

Abundance_xaxis_name = 'mass'
Abundance_xaxis_reversed = .false.
Abundance_xmin = 0.0
Abundance_xmax = 1.0

Abundance_log_mass_frac_min = -3.0
Abundance_log_mass_frac_max =  0.3

Abundance_file_flag = .false.
Abundance_file_dir = 'png'
Abundance_file_prefix = 'abund_'
Abundance_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,file_interval)==0
Abundance_file_width = -1        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
Abundance_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

Profile_Panels2_win_flag = .false.
Profile_Panels2_num_panels = 1
Profile_Panels2_show_grid = .true.
Profile_Panels2_show_mix_regions_on_xaxis = .true.

Profile_Panels2_win_width = 15
Profile_Panels2_win_aspect_ratio = 1.0
Profile_Panels2_txt_scale = 1.0
Profile_Panels2_title = ''

Profile_Panels2_xaxis_name = 'mass'
Profile_Panels2_xmin = 0.0
Profile_Panels2_xmax = 1.0
Profile_Panels2_xaxis_reversed = .false.

Profile_Panels2_yaxis_name(1) = 'omega'
Profile_Panels2_ymin(1) = 0.0
Profile_Panels2_ymax(1) = 8.0e-4 ! only used if /= -101d0

Profile_Panels2_other_yaxis_name(1) = 'log_j_rot'
Profile_Panels2_other_ymin(1) = 10.0 ! only used if /= -101d0
Profile_Panels2_other_ymax(1) = 17.0 ! only used if /= -101d0

Profile_Panels2_file_flag = .false.
Profile_Panels2_file_dir = 'png'
Profile_Panels2_file_prefix = 'j_omega_'
Profile_Panels2_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,file_interval)==0
Profile_Panels2_file_width = -1        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
Profile_Panels2_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

Text_Summary1_win_flag = .false.
Text_Summary1_win_width = 10
Text_Summary1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.15

Text_Summary1_xleft = 0.01
Text_Summary1_xright = 0.99
Text_Summary1_ybot = 0.0
Text_Summary1_ytop = 1.0
Text_Summary1_txt_scale = 1.0

Text_Summary1_num_rows = 1 ! <= 20
Text_Summary1_num_cols = 3 ! <= 20
Text_Summary1_name(:,:) = ''

Text_Summary1_name(1,1) = 'num_zones'
Text_Summary1_name(1,2) = 'total_angular_momentum'
Text_Summary1_name(1,3) = 'surf_avg_v_rot'

Text_Summary1_file_flag = .false.
Text_Summary1_file_dir = 'png'
Text_Summary1_file_prefix = 'text_'
Text_Summary1_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,file_interval)==0
Text_Summary1_file_width = -1        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
Text_Summary1_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

Grid1_win_flag = .true.
Grid1_win_width = 15
Grid1_win_aspect_ratio = 0.6

Grid1_plot_name(:) = ''
Grid1_plot_row(:) = 1           ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(:) = 1       ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_col(:) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
Grid1_plot_colspan(:) = 1       ! plot spans this number of columns
Grid1_plot_pad_left(:) = 0.0    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(:) = 0.0   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_plot_pad_top(:) = 0.0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(:) = 0.0     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(:) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

Grid1_num_cols = 6 ! divide plotting region into this many equal width cols
Grid1_num_rows = 2 ! divide plotting region into this many equal height rows
Grid1_num_plots = 10 ! <= 10

Grid1_title = 'inlist_conserve_J'

   pgstar_show_model_number = .true.
   pgstar_model_scale = 1.0
   pgstar_model_lw = 3
   pgstar_model_disp = 2.0
   pgstar_model_coord = 0.99
   pgstar_model_fjust = 1.0

   pgstar_show_age = .true.
   pgstar_age_scale = 1.0
   pgstar_age_lw = 3
   pgstar_age_disp = 2.0
   pgstar_age_coord = -0.10
   pgstar_age_fjust = 0.0

Grid1_plot_name(1) = 'Text_Summary1'
Grid1_plot_row(1) = 1           ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(1) = 1       ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_col(1) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
Grid1_plot_colspan(1) = 6       ! plot spans this number of columns

Grid1_plot_pad_left(1) = -0.06    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(1) = 0.05   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_plot_pad_top(1) = -0.02     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(1) = 0.39     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(1) = 1.2 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

Grid1_plot_name(2) = 'Abundance'
Grid1_plot_row(2) = 1           ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(2) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_col(2) =  1          ! number from 1 at left
Grid1_plot_colspan(2) = 3       ! plot spans this number of columns

Grid1_plot_pad_left(2) = -0.05    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(2) = 0.10   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_plot_pad_top(2) = 0.03     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(2) = 0.03     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(2) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

Grid1_plot_name(3) = 'Profile_Panels2'
Grid1_plot_row(3) = 1          ! number from 1 at top
Grid1_plot_rowspan(3) = 2       ! plot spans this number of rows
Grid1_plot_col(3) =  5          ! Number from 1 at left
Grid1_plot_colspan(3) = 3       ! plot spans this number of columns

Grid1_plot_pad_left(3) = -0.15    ! fraction of full window width for padding on left
Grid1_plot_pad_right(3) = 0.20   ! fraction of full window width for padding on right
Grid1_plot_pad_top(3) = 0.03     ! fraction of full window height for padding at top
Grid1_plot_pad_bot(3) = 0.03     ! fraction of full window height for padding at bottom
Grid1_txt_scale_factor(3) = 0.7 ! multiply txt_scale for subplot by this

Grid1_file_flag = .true.
Grid1_file_dir = 'png'
Grid1_file_prefix = 'grid_'
Grid1_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,Grid1_file_interval)==0
Grid1_file_width = -1       ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
Grid1_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

/ ! end of pgstar namelist

Last-Updated: 04Jun2021 (MESA 5be9e57) by fxt