
This test suite example re-creates the 16-solar mass main-sequence evolution with the inclusion of predictive mixing (using the Ledoux criterion), as detailed in Section 2 of the MESA IV instrument paper (Paxton et al 2018).

This test case has two parts. Click to see a larger view of a plot.

  • Part 1 (inlist_start) creates a 16 Msun pre-main-sequence model and evolves it for 10 time steps.

  • Part 2 (inlist_16M_predictive_mix) continues the evolution until core hydrogen depletion (mass fraction h1_center < 1e-6).

A Kippenhahn diagram shows the evolution of a retreating convective core on the main sequence, the blue region between model numbers 240 and 385. This can be compared to Figure 3 in the MESA IV instrument paper, and the convective pre-mixing Kippenhahn diagram in 16M_conv_premix.


pgstar commands used for the plots above:


  file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
  file_device = 'png'            ! png
  file_extension = 'png'

  !file_device = 'vcps'          ! postscript
  !file_extension = 'ps'

   pgstar_interval = 10
   file_digits = 8

  Kipp_win_flag = .true.

  ! window properties
  Kipp_win_width = 12
  Kipp_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75
  Kipp_txt_scale = 0.9
  Kipp_title = ''

  ! y axis limits
  Kipp_mass_max = 16.0
  Kipp_mass_min = 0
  Kipp_show_mass_boundaries = .true.

  ! x axis limits
  Kipp_xaxis_name = 'model_number'
  Kipp_xmax = -101              ! maximum step number.  negative means use default.
  Kipp_xmin = 0         ! minimum step number.  negative means use default.

  Kipp_show_mixing = .true.
  Kipp_show_burn = .true.
  Kipp_show_luminosities = .true.

  ! file output
  Kipp_file_flag = .true.
  Kipp_file_dir = 'kipp_png'
  Kipp_file_prefix = 'kipp_'
  Kipp_file_interval = 10     ! output when mod(model_number,file_interval)==0
  Kipp_file_width = 12        ! (inches) negative means use same value as for window
  Kipp_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window

/ ! end of pgstar namelist

Last-Updated: 28May2021 (MESA ebecc10) by fxt