
This test case exercises the simplex framework with a check of the chi^2 value for 1.0 Msun, Z=0.02 metallicity, solar model.

This test case has 2 parts. Click to see a larger version of a plot.

  • Part 1 (inlist_prezams) builds a 1.0 Msun, Z=0.02 metallicity, model and evolves it for 1 million years.

  • Part 2 (inlist_solar) continues the evolution until the age reaches 4.61 billion years. Within the simplex modules, a chi^2 value is calculated using target values and controls in inlist_simplex_search_controls_solar. An actual simplex optimzation is performed:

                          logL chi2term        0.0009674439
                                   logL       -0.0015551880
                               logL_obs        0.0000000000
                             logL_sigma        0.0500000000

               surface_Z_div_X chi2term    0.8009079999E+01
                        surface_Z_div_X        0.0257500318
                    surface_Z_div_X_obs        0.0229200000
                  surface_Z_div_X_sigma        0.0010000000

                    surface_He chi2term        1.5892649664
                             surface_He        0.2529123118
                         surface_He_obs        0.2485000000
                       surface_He_sigma        0.0035000000

                           Rcz chi2term        6.3978145880
                                    Rcz        0.7155293902
                                Rcz_obs        0.7130000000
                              Rcz_sigma        0.0010000000

                  solar_cs_rms chi2term       16.1837119538
                           solar_cs_rms        0.0008045797
                       solar_cs_rms_obs        0.0000000000
                     solar_cs_rms_sigma        0.0002000000

                       my_Teff chi2term        0.0068963316
                                my_Teff     5766.6021299392
                            my_Teff_obs     5772.0000000000
                          my_Teff_sigma       65.0000000000

                                 R/Rsun        1.0000819542
                              logL/Lsun       -0.0015551880
                                   Teff     5766.6021299392
                                   logg        4.4379964457
                                    FeH        0.0503737150
                                   logR        0.0000355908
                        surface_Z_div_X        0.0257500318
                             surface_He        0.2529123118
                                    Rcz        0.7155293902
                           solar_cs_rms        0.0008045797

                             initial h1        0.7032295134
                            initial he3        0.0000276601
                            initial he4        0.2765734428
                              initial Y        0.2766011029
                              initial Z        0.0201693837
                            initial FeH        0.0971914841

                              mass/Msun        1.0000000000
                                  alpha        1.9328813396
                                   f_ov        0.0319201826
                                    age    4.6100000000000000D+09

                                  chi^2        5.3646225472

                           model number             953

save best model results to outputs/

pgstar commands used for the plot above:


 file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
 !file_device = 'png'            ! png
 !file_extension = 'png'

 file_device = 'vcps'          ! postscript
 file_extension = 'ps'

 pgstar_interval = 10

 HR_win_flag = .true.
 HR_win_width = 12
 HR_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

 HR_logT_min = 3.6
 HR_logT_max = 3.8
 HR_logL_min = -0.4
 HR_logL_max = 0.1

 show_HR_target_box = .true.
 HR_target_n_sigma = -1
 HR_target_logL = 0.0
 HR_target_logL_sigma = 0.02
 HR_target_logT = 3.76
 HR_target_logT_sigma = 0.01

 HR_file_flag = .true.
 HR_file_dir = 'pgstar_out'
 HR_file_prefix = 'hr'
 HR_file_interval = 10000
 HR_file_width = 12
 HR_file_aspect_ratio = -1

/ ! end of pgstar namelist

Last-Updated: 03Jul2021 (MESA 094ff71) by fxt.