This page lists the MESA modules alphabetically by name and briefly summarizes their purpose.
Each MESA module has its own directory with the same general
structure, including a standard set of subdirectories and scripts. The
standard subdirectories for each module are make
, private
, and test
. The test directory has make
and src
directories for the program that tests the module when it is
created. The make directory has the makefile for the library and will
hold the object files and .mod
files that are created by the
compiler. The public directory has the sources for the interface to
the library, while the private directory has sources for the parts of
the implementation that are meant for internal use only. For example,
if you want to see what is available in the eos module, look in
for the routines and
for the data.
Atmospheres (atm
MESA uses the atmosphere (atm
) module to obtain a surface
temperature (\(T_{\rm surf}\)) and surface pressure (\(P_{\rm
surf}\)), representing the conditions at the base of the stellar
atmosphere. These values are applied as boundary conditions when
evolving the interior model.
MESA treats the atmosphere separately, via these boundary conditions, because the physics governing the atmosphere is often quite different than in the interior.
Historically, MESA decided how \(T_{\rm surf}\) and \(P_{\rm
surf}\) are calculated using the which_atm_option
control. To
improve consistency between the atmosphere and interior calculations,
and to offer more flexibility to users, this control was replaced in
revision 11869 by the atm_option
control, plus a number of other
subsidiary controls.
Automatic Differentiation (auto_diff
The auto_diff
module provides Fortran derived types that support
automatic calculation of analytic derivatives using the chain rule.
Element data (chem
The chem
module provides data on the properties of elements and
isotopes (e.g., atomic masses). It also defines solar abundance
patterns as reported in various references.
Constants (const
The const
module defines a range of mathematical constants (e.g.,
pi), physical constants (e.g., hbar), astronomical constants (e.g.,
Msun), and other fixed values (e.g., version number).
Equation of state (eos
The eos
module provides the equation of state.
Opacities (kap
The kap
module provides radiative opacities combined with
conductive opacities.
Nuclear reaction networks (net
The net
module implements nuclear reaction networks.
Thermal neutrinos (neu
The neu
module provides the specific rates of energy loss via
various thermal neutrino processes. (Nuclear neutrinos are handed in
and net
Nuclear reaction rates (rates
The rates
module collects thermonuclear reaction rates and weak
reaction rates from a range of sources.
Turbulence (turb
The turb
module provides various mixing theories (semiconvection, thermohaline,
mixing length theory, time-dependant convection)