
This test case demonstrates the creation and evolution of 3 Msun model whose initial metallicity is Z = 0.

This test case has 1 part. Click to see a larger version of a plot.

  • Part 1 (inlist_make_metals) creates a metal-free 3 Msun pre-main sequence model, and evolves the initial pure hydrogen + helium model until the central helium mass fraction drops below 1e-4 :


The core gets hot enough to make its own carbon from the triple-alpha reaction:


Which makes for an interesting journey in the HR diagram:


pgstar commands used for the plots above:


 file_white_on_black_flag = .true. ! white_on_black flags -- true means white foreground color on black background
 !file_device = 'png'            ! png
 !file_extension = 'png'

 file_device = 'vcps'          ! postscript
 file_extension = 'ps'

 pgstar_interval = 10

 HR_win_flag = .true.
 HR_win_width = 12
 HR_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2 ! aspect_ratio = height/width
 HR_title = 'make_metals'

 HR_logT_min = 3.6
 HR_logT_max = 4.4
 HR_logL_min = 1.5
 HR_logL_max = 3.5

 ! file output
 HR_file_flag = .true.
 HR_file_dir = 'pgstar_out'
 HR_file_prefix = 'hr_'
 HR_file_interval = 1000 ! output when mod(model_number,HR_file_interval)==0
 HR_file_width = 12 ! negative means use same value as for window

 Abundance_win_flag = .true.
 Abundance_win_width = 12
 Abundance_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75

 Abundance_txt_scale = 1.0
 Abundance_title = 'make_metals'

 Abundance_num_isos_to_show = 6
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(1)  = 'h1'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(2)  = 'he3'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(3)  = 'he4'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(4)  = 'c12'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(5)  = 'n14'
 Abundance_which_isos_to_show(6)  = 'o16'

 num_abundance_line_labels = 4
 Abundance_line_txt_scale_factor = 1.0
 Abundance_legend_max_cnt = 0

 Abundance_xaxis_name = 'mass'
 Abundance_xaxis_reversed = .false.
 Abundance_xmin = -101d0
 Abundance_xmax = -101d0

 Abundance_log_mass_frac_min = -3.0
 Abundance_log_mass_frac_max =  0.3

 Abundance_file_flag = .true.
 Abundance_file_dir = 'pgstar_out'
 Abundance_file_prefix = 'abund_'
 Abundance_file_interval = 10000

 TRho_win_flag = .true.
 TRho_win_width = 12
 TRho_win_aspect_ratio = 0.75 ! aspect_ratio = height/width

 TRho_txt_scale = 1.0
 TRho_title = 'make_metals'

 TRho_logT_min = 6.0
 TRho_logT_max = 8.5
 TRho_logRho_min = -1.0
 TRho_logRho_max = 5.0

 show_TRho_degeneracy_line = .true.

 TRho_file_flag = .true.
 TRho_file_dir = 'pgstar_out'
 TRho_file_prefix = 'trhoc_'
 TRho_file_interval = 1000

/ ! end of pgstar namelist

Last-Updated: 18Jun2021 (MESA e2acbc2) by fxt.